Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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100 3 • The Cell<br />

• How can the PA definitively identify the cause of Barbara’s pneumonia?<br />

• What form of treatment should the PA prescribe, given that the amoxicillin was ineffective?<br />

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Filamentous Appendages<br />

Many bacterial cells have protein appendages embedded within their cell envelopes that extend outward,<br />

allowing interaction with the environment. These appendages can attach to other surfaces, transfer DNA, or<br />

provide movement. Filamentous appendages include fimbriae, pili, and flagella.<br />

Fimbriae and Pili<br />

Fimbriae and pili are structurally similar and, because differentiation between the two is problematic, these<br />

terms are often used interchangeably. 22 23 The term fimbriae commonly refers to short bristle-like proteins<br />

projecting from the cell surface by the hundreds. Fimbriae enable a cell to attach to surfaces and to other cells.<br />

For pathogenic bacteria, adherence to host cells is important for colonization, infectivity, and virulence.<br />

Adherence to surfaces is also important in biofilm formation.<br />

The term pili (singular: pilus) commonly refers to longer, less numerous protein appendages that aid in<br />

attachment to surfaces (Figure 3.30). A specific type of pilus, called the F pilus or sex pilus, is important in the<br />

transfer of DNA between bacterial cells, which occurs between members of the same generation when two cells<br />

physically transfer or exchange parts of their respective genomes (see How Asexual Prokaryotes Achieve<br />

Genetic Diversity).<br />

Figure 3.30 Bacteria may produce two different types of protein appendages that aid in surface attachment. Fimbriae typically are more<br />

numerous and shorter, whereas pili (shown here) are longer and less numerous per cell. (credit: modification of work by American Society<br />

for <strong>Microbiology</strong>)<br />


Group A Strep<br />

Before the structure and function of the various components of the bacterial cell envelope were well<br />

understood, scientists were already using cell envelope characteristics to classify bacteria. In 1933, Rebecca<br />

Lancefield proposed a method for serotyping various β-hemolytic strains of Streptococcus species using an<br />

agglutination assay, a technique using the clumping of bacteria to detect specific cell-surface antigens. In<br />

doing so, Lancefield discovered that one group of S. pyogenes, found in Group A, was associated with a variety<br />

of human diseases. She determined that various strains of Group A strep could be distinguished from each<br />

other based on variations in specific cell surface proteins that she named M proteins.<br />

22 J.A. Garnetta et al. “Structural Insights Into the Biogenesis and Biofilm Formation by the Escherichia coli Common Pilus.”<br />

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 no. 10 (2012):3950–3955.<br />

23 T. Proft, E.N. Baker. “Pili in Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria—Structure, Assembly and Their Role in Disease.” Cellular<br />

and Molecular Life Sciences 66 (2009):613.<br />

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