Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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532 13 • Control of Microbial Growth<br />


• Why is triclosan more like an antibiotic than a traditional disinfectant?<br />

Heavy Metals<br />

Some of the first chemical disinfectants and antiseptics to be used were heavy metals. Heavy metals kill<br />

microbes by binding to proteins, thus inhibiting enzymatic activity (Figure 13.21). Heavy metals are<br />

oligodynamic, meaning that very small concentrations show significant antimicrobial activity. Ions of heavy<br />

metals bind to sulfur-containing amino acids strongly and bioaccumulate within cells, allowing these metals to<br />

reach high localized concentrations. This causes proteins to denature.<br />

Heavy metals are not selectively toxic to microbial cells. They may bioaccumulate in human or animal cells, as<br />

well, and excessive concentrations can have toxic effects on humans. If too much silver accumulates in the<br />

body, for example, it can result in a condition called argyria, in which the skin turns irreversibly blue-gray. One<br />

way to reduce the potential toxicity of heavy metals is by carefully controlling the duration of exposure and<br />

concentration of the heavy metal.<br />

Figure 13.21<br />

Heavy metals denature proteins, impairing cell function and, thus, giving them strong antimicrobial properties. (a) Copper in<br />

fixtures like this door handle kills microbes that otherwise might accumulate on frequently touched surfaces. (b) Eating utensils contain<br />

small amounts of silver to inhibit microbial growth. (c) Copper commonly lines incubators to minimize contamination of cell cultures stored<br />

inside. (d) Antiseptic mouthwashes commonly contain zinc chloride. (e) This patient is suffering from argyria, an irreversible condition<br />

caused by bioaccumulation of silver in the body. (credit b: modification of work by “Shoshanah”/Flickr; credit e: modification of work by<br />

Herbert L. Fred and Hendrik A. van Dijk)<br />

Mercury<br />

Mercury is an example of a heavy metal that has been used for many years to control microbial growth. It was<br />

used for many centuries to treat syphilis. Mercury compounds like mercuric chloride are mainly bacteriostatic<br />

and have a very broad spectrum of activity. Various forms of mercury bind to sulfur-containing amino acids<br />

within proteins, inhibiting their functions.<br />

In recent decades, the use of such compounds has diminished because of mercury’s toxicity. It is toxic to the<br />

central nervous, digestive, and renal systems at high concentrations, and has negative environmental effects,<br />

including bioaccumulation in fish. Topical antiseptics such as mercurochrome, which contains mercury in low<br />

concentrations, and merthiolate, a tincture (a solution of mercury dissolved in alcohol) were once commonly<br />

used. However, because of concerns about using mercury compounds, these antiseptics are no longer sold in<br />

the United States.<br />

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