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Organometallic compounds

of elements of main

groups IV and V

4.1 Introduction

In nearly all their organic derivatives, silicon, germanium, tin and lead are

tetravalent. The tetraalkyls and -aryls are air stable materials which are not

hydrolysed under neutral conditions. Their thermal stability decreases down the

Group in parallel with the trend in metal-carbon bond energies (p. 5 ).

Tetraphenylsilane can be distilled in air at 430°C/760mm. Tetramethylsilane

starts to break up only above 600°C to a complicated mixture of products which

probably arise through radical chain reactions. Liquid Me 4 Pb, however, has been

known to explode even at 90-1 G0°C. Decomposition of tetramethyllead in the

gas phase, begins at only about 2 SO"C giving ethane and lead, together with small

quantities of other hydrocarbons and hydrogen. The existence of free radicals was

first demonstrated by Paneth in 1929 from pyrolysis ofMe 4 Pb in a flow system at

low pressure. The radicals produced removed mirrors of lead, antimony or other

elements forming their methyl derivatives.

It is perhaps in their propensity to oxidation and hydrolysis, however, that the

greatest contrast between Group IV organometallics and those of neighbouring

groups lies. Tetramethylsilane is so inert chemically that it is chosen as an

internat standard for n.m.r. spectroscopy. (It absorbs at higher field than most

organic compounds.) Trimethylaluminium, on the other hand, not only inflames

in air but also reacts explosively with water. Me 3 Al is coordinatively unsaturated;

it is a six electron compound with an empty valence orbital and is hence very

susceptible to nucleophilic attack. Tetramethylsilane behaves as a saturated

compound. Group IV elements show little tendency to increase their coordination

number above four unless they are attached to electronegative atoms or groups.

Although trimethylphosphine also has an octet configuration, it is spontaneously

inflammable. The ease of oxidation of Group V alkyls must be associated

with the presence of a non-bonding pair of electrons on the central atom. The less

basic triaryls are air stable. although controlled oxidation to the oxides Ar 3 MO is


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