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Transition metal carbonyls

sequence of reactions could mimic tbose occurring at metal surfaces in tbe

Fiscber-Tropscb process (p. 393).

Sucb anionic metal carbonyls are very common. Many are clusters (p. 353).

One metbod ofpreparation is to treat tbe neutral precursor witb bydroxide ion. or

ta use a reducing agent. In eitber case one CO ligand is formally replaced by an

electron pair. Hydroxide is tbougbt first to attack tbe carbonyl group, followed by

release of carbon dioxide (as HCO; or co;-) and transfer of electrons to tbe metal:

Fe(CO)!- is tbe conjugate base oftbe carbonyl bydride H 2 Fe(C0) 4 • Tbis sbows two

neutralization steps in aqueous solution witb pK 1 = 4.0 and pK 2 = 12.7. Tbe

sodium salt Na 2 Fe(C0) 4 is a useful reagent in organic cbemistry. Single crystal X­

ray diffraction of Nale(C0) 4 • f dioxan reveals six coordinate Na + ions wbicb

interact witb tbe oxygen atoms of adjacent Fe(CO)~- units. Similar ion pairing

tbrougb Na ···O contacts also occurs in solvents sucb as tetrabydrofuran.

Otber controlled syntbeses afford Fe 2 (CO)~- from Fe 2 (C0) 9 and Fe 3 (COli; from

Fe 3 (C0) 12 :

Fe 2 (C0) 9


Et 4 N+I-

[Et 4 Nl,[Fe 2 (CO).] (red-orange crystals)

In contrast to Co 2 (C0) 8 • Fe 2 (CO)~- bas no bridging carbonyl ligands. In

crystalline [PPNL[Fe 2 (C0) 8 l tbe ion adopts a staggered D 3 d conformation vCO

1920, 1852cm- 1 : v(Fe-Fe). 170cm- 1 (Raman). Fe 3 (COli; bas one face

bridging and one edge bridging CO group. Tbe structure is related to tbat of

Fe 4 (CO)i; by removal of tbe face bridging Fe(C0) 3 group (Fig. 5.14).

A laboratory preparation ofFe 3 (C0) 12 entails treatment ofFe(CO), witb alkali

ta give HFe(CO);. oxidation witb fresbly prepared Mn0 2 , followed by acidification.

It is likely tbat tbe reaction proceeds via HFe 1 (C0); 1 •

(c) REDUCTION TO CARBONYL ANIONS. In tbe last Section we saw tbat a

carbonylligand in a neutral metal carbonyl can often be replaced by an electron

pair by reduction. Cr(C0) 6 , bowever, can be reduced electrocbemically or by

using tbe grapbite intercalation compound C 8 K in THF to tbe dimeric anion

Cr 2 (CO)i;; tbat is, by a one electron reduction followed by coupling of tbe

resulting Cr(CO); · radicals. Furtber reduction witb sodium in liquid ammonia

affords Cr(CO)~-:


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