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Allyl and diene complexes

The palladium catalysed substitution of an allylic acetate provides an example.





Addition of the nucleophile can take place by two sterically different pathways.

In the first (path (a)), direct attack on the 1] 3 -allyl group occurs trans to palladium.

'!:his is by far ~he commone~ route and is followed by stabilized carbanions such as

CH(C0 2 R) 2 , CH(COR) 2 , PhCHCN and C 5 H;, and normally also with amines. Aryl

and alkyl carbanions (e.g. R 2 CuLi) or hydride however add initially to the metal

centre and then migra te to the allyl group (path (b) ). The stereochemistry of the

product depends on which mechanism is followed (v.i.).

frans attack, path (a) cis attack,path( b ).

Băckvall has devised a catalytic method for the conversion of 1. 3-dienes into

their 1. 4-diacetoxy-derivatives. Less than 3% 1. 2-addition occurs. The reaction

is carried out in acetic acid using manganese(IV) oxide, together with a small

quantity of benzoquinone, as oxidizing agent. The catalyst is palladium(II)

acetate in the presence of lithium acetate. Under these conditions, 1, 3-

cyclohexadiene affords trans-1, 4-diacetoxycyclohexene (path (b) ). If a little

lithium chloride is also added, coordination of the acetate ion to palladium is

blocked by chloride, the better of the two ligands. This suppresses the cismigration

pathway (b) so that cis-1,4-diacetoxycyclohexene (path (a)) now

becomes essentially the only product. If the concentration of lithium chloride is

increased still further, chloride replaces acetate as the second nucleophile.






poth {o)

direct ottock

y- lrans to Pd

poth!bl CrOAc (Y=OAc)


cis migrotion

from Pd

The chloro group in 1-acetoxy-4-chlorocyclohexene is more readily substituted

by nucleophiles than the acetoxy group. Direct SN2 attack of a

nucleophile leads to inversion of configuration at carbon. In the presence of

palladium catalyst, allylic substitution of chloride trans to the metal centre occurs,


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