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Five electron ligands

slowly oxidized in air, although the solutions are more sensitive. The compound is

cleaved by halogens to yield mononuclear derivatives:


[CpFe(C0) 2 ), ----+ CpFe(C0) 2 X (X= Br, I)

HCl/0 2

---~ CpFe(C0) 2 Cl

AgBF 4 /L

------+ [CpFe(C0) 2 L]+ BF; (L=CO, PR,. alkene)

Silver tetrafluoroborate in the presence of ligands oxidizes it to cationic species

(p. 240).

A typical reaction of many cyclopentadienylmetal carbonyls is reduction to

anionic species (Fig. 9.11 ). Sodium amalgam is often used as the reducing agent.

The liquid sodium-potassium alloy can also be used. A solution of the starting

material in tetrahydrofuran is stirred with the amalgam under nitrogen and the

spent amalgam run off through a stopcock at the base of the flask when the

reduction is complete. The solutions of the anions are very air sensitive. The

anions themselves are strong nucleophiles which undergo numerous reactions.

This chemistry is exemplified with reference to CpFe(CO);. The behaviour of

other mononuclear species, especially CpM(CO); (M = Mo, W) shows many


Cis and trans geometrica! isomers of [CpFe(C0) 2 L have been prepared. The

stable form of the molecule has the trans structure shown in Fig. 9.12, buton

crystallization at low temperature a cis isomer can be isolated. In this molecule the

Fe 2 C 2 group is folded about the Fe-Fe axis, giving an angle of 164 o between the

two Fe-C-Fe planes. In the trans isomer, however, the Fe 2 C 2 atoms are

coplanar. Observations of the proton and 13 C n.m.r. spectra of [CpFe(C0) 2 ), in

solution over a range of temperature reveal rapid exchange of carbonyl groups

between bridging and terminal positions (Fig. 9.13). In the case of the trans

isomer this is sufficient to cause equilibration of the carbonyl groups even at low

temperatures (see Newman projection). At - 65°C this isomer gives only one

averaged carbonyl signal in the 13 C spectrum. The activation energy for the

exchange is about 30k}mol- 1 • The cis isomer, however, affords two signals

which arise from COb and cot respectively. Only two ofthe carbonyl groups (COb)

lie in the conformation required to form the two bridges, that is, trans to each

other. Rotation about the Fe-Fe bond in the unbridged structure can make the

cob and cot groups equivalent, but this is detected by the n.m.r. experiment only

above -3 5°C. The activation energy for the rotation ( 4 7 k} mol- 1 ) is greater

than that for the bridge opening. In agreement with this mechanism, the same

value has been obtained for the cis-trans isomerization from 1 H n.m.r.


The iron-iron distance in the cis and also in the trans isomer is quite long,

about 2.53 Â, compared with 2.48 Â in metallic iron. X-ray diffraction reveals


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