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Organometallic compounds

of elements of the first

three periodic groups

3.1 Introduction

In this chapter the organic compounds of the first three Periodic Groups are

discussed. The alkali metals, Groups IIA and IIB, boron, aluminium and Group

IIIB are included. Scandium, yttrium and lanthanum are best considered with the

lanthanides and are therefore covered in Chapter 13. Although copper, silver and

gold are strictly transition elements, some oftheir organic chemistry in oxidation

state + l relates quite well to that of the main groups. It is therefore mentioned

briefly here.

The heavy alkali metals K, Rb and Cs form essentially ionic derivatives. These

are extremely reactive; caesium alkyls, for instance, are such strong bases that

they can even deprotonate alkanes. Consequently their organic chemistry is less

developed than that of the lighter elements, lithium and sodium. These small

electropositive atoms enter into bridge bonding with organic groups; this

property also extends in particular to beryllium and magnesium in Group II and

to aluminium in Group III. Some copper and silver alkyls and aryls also possess

this structural feature.

Organomagnesium compounds, especially the Grignard reagents, RMgHal,

have played a key role in organic and organometallic synthesis for nearly 90

years. Of particular value is their ability to add to polar groups such as :::::. C=O

and -C-N. Organoberyllium compounds have not yet found any significant

synthetic applications, largely because beryllium oxide, formed by their combustion,

is toxic by inhalation as dust. They are generally less accessible, less stable

and less reactive than the derivatives of magnesium and lithium. Their behaviour

is less complicated by side-reactions than that of Grignard reagents. Even less is

known of the organic chemistry of calcium, strontium and barium. Organozinc,

cadmium and mercury compounds, however, have been known for over a

century and are stiU quite widely used in synthesis.

The general reactivity of the organic compounds of Group Il lies in the

sequence Ba > Sr > Ca > Mg > Be ~ Zn > Cd > Hg. This order follows bond


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