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Organic derivatives of Group V

Butyllithium is an unsuitable base on account of its sensitivity to air and

moisture. In the process the phosphonium salt precursor (formed from the

alcohol, Ph,P and hydrogen halide), together with aldehyde in methanol, are

treated with methanolic sodium methoxide at ~ 30 C. After reaction the solution

is neutralized with dilute sulphuric acid, the Vitamin A ester extracted into a

hydrocarbon solvent and isolated after removal of solvent by distillation.

~ PPh 3 °~0COCH 3


Generally the Wittig reaction yields a mixture of cis and trans geometrica!

isomers of an alkene. The stereochemical considerations are discussed elsewhere.

(b) ARSENIC YLIDES. Arsenic ylides can be prepared by deprotonation of

quaternary arsonium salts.

+ ~~ ' -

R,As + R'CH 2 X-----+ [R,AsCH 2 R']X ----> R,As=CHR'( +-->R,As -CHR')

(R = alkyl. aryl: R' = H. alkyl. aryl. acyl. C0 2 R, CN)

Potentiometric titrations indicate that they are much stronger bases than the

corresponding phosphorus ylides. On the basis of J

derived from 13 C n.m.r. spectra it is concluded that the carbon atom in Ph,P=

( 1 'C- 1 H) coupling constants

CH 2 is in a trigonal planar environment (sp 2 C). whereas in Ph,As + CH 2 it is

probablypyramidal(sp' C;J = l36.7Hzcomparedwith 142 HzinPh,AsCH 1 r).

There therefore seems tobe weaker ( 2p- 3d)n bonding in the arsenic compound,

which means that the As-C hond is more polar in the sense PhJ\s-CH 1 . This

shows up in the enhanced reactivity. most noticeably of 'stabilized' arsenic ylides.

compared with their phosphorus analogues. While the ylides PhE=CHR' (E = P.

R' = C0 2 Me, CN or COPh) do not react with ketones readily if at ali, the arsenic

ylides give yields ofbetween 50-80% ofthe expected alkenes. With non-stabilized

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