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Transition metal chemistry

Carbonyl ligands in nitrosyl carbonyls Mn(C0) 4 (NO), Fe(C0) 2 (N0) 2 and

Co(C0) 3 (NO) are substituted by an SN2 (A or Ia) mechanism (Fig. 5.12(d)). This

occurs because a lone pair can be localized on nitrogen in the intermediate (or

transition state). The nitrosyl group can act either as a formal three-electron

- + yO

(linear M=N=O) or as a one-electron donor (bent M-~ ). (see p. 294

for substitution of cyclopentadienyl metal carbonyls).

(b) REACTION OF HARD BASES. Pentacarbonyliron reacts with amines such as

pyridine, not by substitution, but by disproportionation. A cluster anion is


SFe(CO), + 6py


(PPN + = Ph 2 P=N=PPh 2 )


[Fe(py) 6 ][Fe.(C0) 13 ] + 12CO

X-ray diffraction of the PPN salt reveals a tetrahedral cluster of iron atoms

(Fig. 5 .14( c) ). One triangular face is capped by a triply bridging CO group; around

each of the sides of this same face there is an edge-bridging carbonyl. On protonation

the tetrahedral cluster opens out to a butterfly framework (cf. p. 350);

the protonated CO ligand is now a-bonded to the fourth iron atom. Further

reduction under acid conditions affords methane; it has been suggested that this

co co co

(o) oc~co

co co co

(b) oc






Fig. 5.14 Structures of(a) Fe 2 (CO)!-, (b) Fe,(CO)i;, (c) Fe.(CO)i; showing three doubly


bridging and one triply bridging CO groups (O atoms omitted).

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