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In the salt [K+(diglyme)][Ce(C 8 H 8 );] the anion has staggered D 8 d symmetry.

The cerium system is unusual for a lanthanide complex in showing two oneelectron

oxidation-reduction steps.


Ce(CaHal2 diglyme

Block needles Green

Streitwieser noticed that the HOMOs of C 8 H~- ha ve the correct symmetry to

interact with the Sf orbitals of an actinide (or 4f of a lanthanide). This led to the

preparation of the sandwich complex bis( cyclooctatetraene )uranium ( uranocene).

Uranocene is pyrophoric in air, but it thermally very robust. It forms deep

green crystals which can be sublimed under vacuum. X-ray diffraction shows

that the rings are parallel and eclipsed (D 8 h).

The extent of electrostatic (ionic) and orbita! (covalent) considerations in

determining the structures of such compounds oflanthanides, actinides and early

d-block transition elements is not clear. As with Cp 4 M (M =Ti, Zr. Th, U) the

complexes M(C 8 H 8 ) 2 show structural trends apparently related to the size of the

metal atom.




16-electron, rings 18e

ropidly interconvert

in solution.



Formal Coord.No 6 8 8


20 e

13.5 References

Evans, W.J. (1985) Organolanthanide chemistry. Adv. Organomet. Chem .. 24. 131.

Marks, T.J. (1978) Prog. Inorg. Chem., 24. 51; (1979) Prog. Inorg. Chem., 25. 223. Reviews

of early work.

Watson, P.L. and Parshall, G. W. (1985) Organolanthanides in catalysis. Ace. Chem. Res ..

18. 51.


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