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Allyl and diene complexes

volatile,low-melting solid A of empirica! formula C 7 H 6 0 3 Fe. The mass spectrum of

A contained a strong parent ion peak at m/z 194 and there were other strong

peaks at m/z 166, 138 and 110.

The 1 H n.m.r. spectrum of A consisted of o ne sharp singlet. The 13 C spectrum

consisted of two singlets and a triplet: under conditions of complete proton

decoupling the triplet became a singlet, but the spectrum was otherwise


When A was dissolved in strong acid, and then CI- was added to the solution, a

covalent compound B was isolated. B was found to possess the empirica! formula

C 7 H 7 0 3 ClFe. The 1 H n.m.r. spectrum of B contained three singlet resonances of

relative are a 3: 2: 2. B could also be prepared by the reaction of H 2 C=CMeCH 2 CI

with Fe 2 (C0) 9 •

Suggest structures for compounds A and B, showing them tobe consistent with

the spectroscopic data. Comment as fully as you can on the bonding between

metal and organic ligands in A and B. Show that both A and B can be regarded as

'obeying the 18-electron rule'.

(University of York).

5. Some chemistry of sodium cyclopentadienyltricarbonyltungstate is shown


Na[(C,H,)W(C0) 3 ] + CH 2 =CH-CH 2 Cl -----> A ~ D

Elemental analysis for B gave 35.4% W, 25.4%C. 5.96%P.

Mass spectrum

M+ (based on

184 W) amu

A: 374


C: 376

D: 346


2019, 1950, 1904

2107, 2053, 2007

2005, 1947. 1905

1960, 1880

Proton nmr ( 1J relative to TMS,

relative intensities in parentheses)

6.0(1H), 5.25(5H), 4.6(1H), 4.5(1H),


5.99(5H), 4.36(1H). 3.29(1H),

3.20(1H). 2.22(3H).

4.59(5H), 2.78(1H), 1.55(6H).

4.63( 5H) 3.2 5(1H) 2.48(2H),


(a) Propose structures for A to D, showing how you have used the data above.

(b) Comment on the reactions in the scheme.

(c) Describe the bonding of the acyclic hydrocarbon ligand to the metal in D.

(University of Southampton).

6. (a) Make a qualitative sketch of the proton n.m.r. spectrum of (tJ 4 -1, 3-


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