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General reactions of transition metal complexes

Pd, Pt and Au, however, often show little or no tendency tobe converted into 18-

electron products. In these cases the 16-electron configuration may often be

viewed as being essentially 'saturated'. Sixteen electron complexes are common

for (Co), Rh and Ir and for Ni. Pd and Pt. Even lower electron configurations

(16, 14 and 12) are normal for Ag and Au, for which I 8-electron complexes are


Some general types of reaction which are followed by the essentially covalent

transition metal complexes which are the subject of this book are listed in

Table 5.8. The simplest way in which an unsaturated species ML 11 _ 1 can be

become saturated is by addition of a Lewis base L, in other words by revers al of the

dissociation mentioned above. This is shown in Fig. 5.16 by horizontal arrows

( ~) (Table 5.8, 1 (a), 1 (b) ). Examples are provided by the substitution of carbon

monoxide in Ni(C0) 4 or Fe(CO), (p. 168) which follows a dissociative (D)

mechanism, 1(a) followed by l(b). Ligand substitution in 16-electron square

planar complexes of Pd, Pt and Au for example, normally follows an associative

mechanism, 1(b) followed by 1(a). An intermediate reaction type, synchronous

interchange of ligands, in which the leaving group moves away as the incoming

group enters (Id, Ia), involves no change in electron configuration. 18-Electron

complexes never react by an associative mechanism, as the first step would

require the formation of a 20-electron intermediate. Where overall second order

kinetics are observed, an interchange process is likely. This probably accounts for

the small ligand dependent contribution to the rate of substitution of the

carbonyls M(C0) 6 (M = Cr, Mo, Wl (Rate= kJM(C0) 6 ] + kJM(C0) 6 ] [L]) which is

observed especially with strong (J donors such as trialkylphosphines.

Coordinatively unsaturated transition metal complexes may therefore behave

as electrophiles (Lewis acids) by virtue of empty low lying orbitals centred on the

metal atom. Complexes, however. especially those with 18-electron configurations,

may also possess electrons in essentially non-bonding d-orbitals. Where

the ligands are rather electronegative (N. O. halogen donors). or where the

complex carries an overall positive charge, such orbitals lie rather low in energy.

With relatively electropositive donor atoms (P. As. C. H donors) or in anionic

species ( e.g. Mn( CO);) the energy of these d-orbitals is rai sed and the compound

becomes 'electron rich'. Such complexes can behave as bases; this property is

noted above for carbonyl anions (p. l 7 3) which are the conjugate bases of

hydridocarbonyls. Replacement of CO by phosphites or phosphines increases the

base strength; while HCo(C0) 4 is a strong acid (pK ~ 2), HCo(C0) 1 PPh 1 is rather

weak (pK ,."., 7). HCo{P(OMe)J 4 is converted into the anion only by very strong

bases such as KH in tetrahydrofuran. while HCo(PMe 1 ) 4 cannot be deprotonated

at ali. Neutra! complexes ML" (L = P(OR) 1 or PRJ are quite strong bases. In some

cases crystalline salts such as HFeL:x- ha ve been isolated, especially with large

weakly coordinating anions (X= BF 4 • PF 6 ) which ha ve little tendency to displace

a ligand from the coordination sphere.

A few adducts between metal complexes and Lewis acids such as boron

trifluoride (p. 179) have been isolated.


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