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Transition metal chemistry


(OC lnM(CO)




M(CO)n --=---+ LM(CO)n

(D mechonism)


e.g. Ni(C0)4






Ni(C0) 3 --=--+ LNi(C0) 3

( b) L + M(CO)n+l- L-----M-----CO - LM(CO)n + CO (Ia)




Tronsition state

( c) L + M(CO)n+ 1 ·-1ţ- LM(CO)n+l (A mechonism)




( d) L+ (OC)n M=N=O


_ (OC) M/ fast

(OCln-l M(NO)L

n \_ L ---=-ce--

18e 18e 18e

(A or

Fig. 5.12 Mechanisms of substitution of CO in metal carbonyls.

initial rate determining dissociation of CO to give a coordinatively unsaturated

intermediate is followed by fast uptake of the attacking ligand L (SN1 or D

mechanism). Alternatively an interchange associative mechanism (b) might

operate (SN2 or la) in which concerted replacement of CO by L occurs. A nonsynchronous

associative mechanism (A) involving addition of L to the metal

centre followed by elimination of CO is precluded as it would entail a 20 electron

intermediate (Fig. 5.12).

The reactions ofNi(C0) 4 with phosphorus donors are first order in Ni(C0) 4 and

essentially independent of the nature and concentration of the attacking

nucleophile. Coordinating solvents such as THF, which can interact with and

stabilize the 16 electron Ni(C0) 3 intermediate, accelerate the first step. The

reactions are retarded by increase in pressure; the volume of activation for attack

of triethylphosphite is positive, + 8 cm 3 mol- 1 at 0°C. AII these observations

point to a dissociative mechanism.

Ni(C0) 4 reacts rapidly at room temperature to give a series of substituted

derivatives Ni(C0) 3 L, Ni(C0) 2 L 2 , Ni(CO)L 3 and NiL 4 • The extent ofreaction with

excess L depends largely on the steric bulk ofL. Tolman has classified this in terms

of the cone angle 0. This is the angle at the apex of a cone (Fig. 5.13) which just

touches the substituents defined by van der Waals radii. It was found that the

degree of substitution of carbonyl groups in Ni( CO ) 4 , on treatment with an eightfold

excess ofL, is proportional to 0 for PR 3 :R=H. 87°; F, 101°; OMe, 107°;

Me, ll8°; OPh, 130°; Ph, 145°; Pri, 160°; Bu\ 182°.

Substitution ofCO in Fe(C0) 5 and in Cr(C0) 6 also follows the D mechanism, but


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