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Catalysis of reactions of alkenes by transition metal complexes

butene or add a second ethane molecule leading to chain growth. The relative

importance of these two paths can be controlled by changing the phosphine

ligands. In the system [ (17 3 -C 3 H 5 )NiCl],/EtAlC1 2 /L at - 20°C/ 1 atm. for instance,

only 1-butene is formed when L = Me 3 P. Bulky phosphines hinder /3-hydrogen

transfer more than alkene insertion. When L = P( cyclohexyl) 3 , 70% bute ne, 2 5%

hexene and 5% higher oligomers are formed. In the extreme case of L = PBu~.

olefin elimination is essentially repressed, so that polyethene is produced.

Selective codimerization of ethene and 1, 3-butadiene is also possible because

the diene first forms an 17 3 -allyl complex with the metal centre (Fig. 12.4). An

industrial process along these lines has been developed in the USA by Du Pont.

A rhodium catalyst is employed; rhodium trichloride in ethanol itself gives 80%

selectivity towards the desired product, trans-1, 4-hexadiene, which is used in the

manufacture of an ethene-propene-hexadiene synthetic rubber. The diene

introduces some double bonds into the polymer chains which are required for


12.3.5 Oligomerization of butadiene

Wilke and his coworkers at the Max Planck Institut fiir Kohlenforschung at

Miilheim, Ruhr, ha ve extensively studied oligomerization reactions of butadiene

using a wide range of transition metal catalysts. Those based on nickel and on

palladium are the most useful. Nickel systems generally afford cyclic products,

whereas linear materials are obtained using palladium.

The nickel catalyst is obtained by reduction of a nickel(II) compound such as

the acetylacetonate in the presence of butadiene, or simply by exchange of

butadiene and bis(17 3 -allyl)nickel or bis(cycloocta-1. 5-diene)nickel. In the absence

of added ligands, butadiene is rapidly and catalytically converted at low

temperatures into 1, 5, 9-cyclododecatriene, mainly the trans, trans. trans isomer.

The trimerization bears the mark of a 'template' process, three butadiene

molecules linking very specifically around a 'naked nickel' centre. Detailed

studies show that the process is not synchronous but occurs in a stepwise fashion

(Fig. 12.5 ).

The C 12 1J 2 • 17 3 • 17 3 -intermediate has been isolated from the reaction mixture at

- 40°C. The 1 H n.m.r. spectrum shows that in solution two isomers are present in

which the allyl groups bear anti substituents. With PMe 3 an adduct is formed in

which isomerization to syn substituents has occurred, presumably via an 17 1 -

intermediate. This isomerization explains why the trans, trans. trans isomer of

cyclododecatriene is the major product. Cyclododecatriene is used as a precursor

to Nylon 12.

When a tertiary phosphine or phosphite L is added in the ratio l: 1 (Ni:L),

coordination of a third butadiene molecule is prevented, so that dimers rather

than trimers result. The first key intermediate is an 17 1 ,17 3 -octadienyl complex.

This gives rise to vinylcyclohexene (VCH). If Lis weakly basic. X rearranges to an

17 3 , 17 3 -C 8 H 12 species Y which leads to cis-1. 5-cyclooctadiene (COD) (Fig. 12.6).


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