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The main Groups IV and V

arsenic ylides, however, the reactions can take another course leading to oxiranes

(epoxides) or their rearrangement products. In this they resemble sulphonium or

oxosulphonium ylides.

These differences can be discussed in terms of the two step mechanism.

A major factor is the strength of the E=O bond, which provides the main driving

force for path (a) in the case of phosphorus.

The carbanion [Me 3 Si-CH 2 r is isoelectronic with the phosphorus ylide

+ -

Me 3 P-CH 2 • The lithium derivative of the anion Me 3 SiCH; can be prepared

by treating tetramethylsilane with butyllithium/TMEDA at - 78°C in



Me,Si-CH, ------> Me,Si-CH 2 Li


These a-silyl carbanions react with carbonyl compounds to give intermediates

which readily eliminate the Me 3 Si0- group either spontaneously or on treatment

with acids or bases.

Normally a mixture of cis and trans olefins results.


"c=o+ Li-<

R'/ S'M

1 e 3

(The Peterson reaction)·

The by-product, hexamethyldisiloxane, is volatile and is sometimes easier to

remove from the olefinic product than solid Ph 3 PO which is formed in the Wittig



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