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General reactions of transition metal complexes


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Fig. 5.19 Some reactions of Wilkinson's compound, L,RhCI. (L = PPh, ).

Tolman proposed two general rules relating to organometallic reactions and

homogeneous catalysis.

Rule 1: The only metal-containing species which can exist in significant

concentration possess either 16 or 18-electron configurations.

Rule 2: Organometallic reactions, including catalytic o nes, proceed by elementary

steps which involve 16 or 18-electron intermediates.

Some exceptions have already been noted; with Pd or Pt. for example, the 16-

electron square planar complexes behave to some extent as if they are 'saturated'

and 14-electron species are sometimes observed and are likely reaction intermediates.

Moreover odd-electron free radical intermediates also sometimes intervene.

Nevertheless the rules provide a very useful starting point for formulating possible

mechanisms for catalytic cycles.

Hydrogenation using Wilkinson's catalyst has been studied in great detail and

some features are stil! not understood. A simplified scheme, based on Tolman's

rules is given in Fig. 5.20.

The dihydride L 3 RhH 2 Cl arises from cis addition of H 2 to L 3 RhCl and has the

structure shown in Fig. 5.19. The catalytically active species, however, has only

two phosphine ligands and may be five-coordinate. Although isomer A is oflower

energy than B, the latter is thought to be involved in the actual hydrogenation.

Addition of alkene is followed by hydrogen transfer, the slowest stop of the whole

cycle, to give a rhodium alkyl hydride (C). Elimination of alkane from C is very

fast. A problem with the scheme appears at this point. Does C give a 14-electron

species L 2 RhCl (in contravention of the rules) or does a ligand enter? It has been

suggested that the L 2 RhCl is stabilized by coordination of a solvent molecule; this

is supported by the observation that hydrogenation is about twice as fast in


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