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Allyl ( -enyi) complexes

tempera ture to give a mixture of two geometrica! isomers ( anti-methyl and synmethyl)

in the ratio 88:12 (kinetic control). This suggests that the diene adds

preferentially in the cisoid conformation which is 12 kJ moi- 1 higher in energy

than the transoid conformation (p. 26 3 ).


[ l



H~L 3 -

The mixture of isomers is converted into the thermodynamically controlled

mixture syn:anti (95:5) by heating to 70°C.

Complexes with anti substituents are generally less stable than their syn

isomers. The anti position is the more congested one. Isomerization probably

occurs via alkene-hydride intermediates. HCo(C0) 4 adds to 1. 3-butadiene at

25°C to give a mixture of syn (35%) and anti (65%) isomers. but the Iatter

isomerizes to the former on heating to 80°C.


(C0) 3

8.1.3 Allylpalladium complexes- intermediates in organic synthesis

Allylpalladium complexes find wide application in organic synthesis. With

carbon nucleophiles they form new C-C bonds, thus providing a method for

building carbon skeletons. Dimeric allylpalladium chlorides are not very susceptible

to attack by nucleophiles, but their reactivity can be enhanced by addition

of triphenylphosphine, which converts them into monomeric species. These

reactions, however, are stoichiometric in palladium, which is undesirable on

account of its high cost. Fortunately related catalytic procedures have been

discovered. Many allylic compounds react with Pd(PPh 1 ) 4 (p. 181) to form

cationic '1 3 -allyl complexes. These cations react with nucleophiles to form

substituted allylic derivatives. while the catalyst, effectively 'PdL 2 '. is

regenerated and reenters the cycle.


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+ 'Pdl2'


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