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1. Discuss methods of preparation of transition metal compounds containing

metal-carbon a-bonds. Consider factors affecting their stability. Why is

[Ru(C 2 H 5 )(Cl)(PPh,),] stable only under a pressure of ethene?

(University of Leicester).

2. Treatment of MeMn(CO), with triphenylphosphine gives a product A of

molecular formula C 24 H 18 C\MnP. The 1 H n.m.r. spectrum shows signals due to

phenyl protons (relative intensity 15) and methyl protons (relative intensity 3 ).

The i.r. spectrum shows four bands in the region 2 O 58 to 1927 cm- 1 and

another at 162 3 cm- 1 • Propose, with reasoning. a structure for the product A.

(University of Leicester).

3. Two main mechanisms have been proposed for the carbonylation of

CH 3 Mn(CO),: the carbonyl insertion (A) and the methyl migration (B).

(a) Illustrate what is meant by these two possible mechanisms, A and B, using CO

as the carbonylating agent.

(b) Show that the use of 13 C-enriched CO cannot help to distinguish between

mechanisms A and B, although it can eliminate the possibility of direct insertion

from the gas phase.

(c) Decarbonylation of cis-CH,COMn(C0) 4 (1 'CO), which is formed by the carbonylation

reaction in (b ), gives a mixture of trans- and cis-CH,Mn(C0) 4 ( 13 CO) in

the ratio 1:2. Show that this result is consistent only with mechanism B.

( d) Explain in detail how the infrared absorption spectra of the reaction products

may be used for the preceding analysis.

(University of York).


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