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10. At 11 °C, the proton decoupled 13 C n.m.r. spectrum of (ry'-C 7 H 7 )Mn(C0) 3

contains four signals due to the hydrocarbon ligand as shown below. At 3 5°C,

these broaden in the manner shown. Assign these 13 C resonances and explain in

detail the reason for the differential broadening at 35"C.


11 ·c

b 129.7 107.4 98.0 77.1






[For the interpretation of the n.m.r. data ignore ali nuclei except 1 3 C (I = %-. 1%

abundant) ].

(University of Southampton).

11. Reaction of the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl complex (C,Me,)Rh(C0) 2

with HBF 4 affords a salt A. Treatment of A with NaOMe yields the red solid B,

which gives Con heating. Propose structures for A, B and C using the data below,

and comment on the bonding in C.


Mass spectrum

M+ jamu

B: 560

C: 532

vco/cm- 1


1951. 1778


Proton n.m.r. ( <:5 relative ta


2.03(singlet, 30H), - 10.40 (triplet,

J = 19Hz, 1H).

1. 91 (singlet).

1. 6 5 ( singlet).

Analysis of A gave 42.6% C, 31.8% Rh and 1.67% B.

Isotopic abundances: 1 H, 100%. I = i: 10 B, 1 9%. I = 3, 11 B, 81%. 1 = f; 12 C,

98.9%.1 =O; 13 C, 1.1 %. 1 = η 16 0, 100%.1 =O; 19 F, 100%.1 = -i-: 103 Rh, 100%. I


(University of Southampton).

12. The molar magnetic susceptibility (X~rr) of 1.1'-dimethylmanganocene,

corrected for diamagnetism, varies with temperature as shown below. Given that

the magnetic moment f.l.eff = 797.7 (x~rr.T)1 12 , calculate f.l.eff at each temperature.

Plot x~rr VS T and f.l.eff vs T.

T/K 214 235 253 285 310 331 366 371

7.527 8.394 8.771 9.814 9.953 9.840 9.525 9.576

1,1'-Dimethylmanganocene exists as an equilibrium mixture of high spin (hs)


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