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Transition metal carbonyls

bowever, tbat bond lengtbs do not provide a sensitive measure of electron

distribution witbin tbe bond, infrared spectroscopy being mucb more informative.

Tbe M-C-0 system in terminal carbonyls is approximately linear; tbe

angles at carbon vary from about 16 5 o -180°. In tbe gas pbase intramolecular

interactions between tbe M -C-0 unit and otber ligands may be responsible for

small deviations from linearity. In tbe solid crystal packing forces may also


Tbe C-0 bonds in bridging carbonyl are somewbat longer tban in terminal

ligands. In Fe 2 (C0) 9 (doubly bridging CO) tbe average distance is 1.176 A and in

Rb 6 (C0) 16 (triply bridging) 1.201 A. Tbe M-C-M angle in a symmetrical

bridge is ratber acute, falling in tbe range 77-90°, compared witb about 120° in

a ketone. Bridging carbonyls are less common in complexes of tbe beavier

transition elements tban in tbose oftbe First Transition Series. It bas been argued

tbat tbe bridging mode is less favoured wben tbe ligand bas to span tbe larger

metal-metal distance wbicb obtains in tbe former compounds. In any case, tbe

energy differences between bridging and terminal bonding modes are ratber

small (e.g. Co 2 (C0) 8 , p. 154). so it is difficult to predict which will occur in any

particular case.

M-C bond distances are always significantly shorter to terminal than to

bridging carbonylligands. There is a general parallel between M-CO(terminal)

and tbe atomic radius oftbe metal. Tbe radii oftbe corresponding elements at tbe

beginning oftbe Second and Tbird Transition Series are almost equal. on account

of tbe contraction wbicb occurs across tbe lantbanides. Consequently tbe Mo­

CO and W-CO bonds in tbe bexacarbonyls Mo(C0) 6 and W(C0) 6 are botb

2.06 A in lengtb.

5.2.7 Metal carbonyls-Preparation

(a) DIRECT REACTION. The first binary carbonyl, Ni(C0) 4 , was reported by

Mond, Langer and Quincke in 1890. This volatile material is formed wben carbon

monoxide is passed over metallic nickel at or just above room temperature. It

decomposes readily on warming. The Mond process for the extraction and

refining of nickel depends on these reactions. Crude nickel oxide mixed witb

oxides of iron and copper is obtained by roasting tbe sulpbide ore. Finely divided

metal is produced by beating in bydrogen, wbicb is obtained from water gas

(H 2 + CO), and tbe crude product reacted witb CO at socC/1 atm to give volatile

Ni(C0) 4 • This is then passed over pellets of pure nickel at 230 C when it

decomposes to metal of 99.97% purity, leaving CO to be recycled. A recent

modification of tbe process wbicb is operated in Canada employs sligbtly bigber

temperatures (130°C) and pressures (70atm) for the carbonylation. Under these

conditions a mixture of Ni(C0) 4 and Fe(C0) 5 is produced, which is separated by

fractional distillation or decomposed directly to give an iron/nickel alloy. Nickel

carbonyl is very toxic and strongly carcinogenic. It is present in low concentrations

in tobacco smoke.


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