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Complexes of arenes

gas phase (5.01 eV cf. Na 5.14eV). In solution it is readily oxidized (polarographic

half-wave potential E 112 = -0.71 V vs. standard calomel electrode).

Consequently it has been described as an 'electron-rich' compound. This arises by

virtue of the essentially donor character of the arene ligands.

One of the arene ligands in Mo(C 6 H 6 ) 2 is easily displaced, for example by

phosphines. The products Mo(C 6 H 6 )(PR 3 ) 3 are strong bases which can be

protonated once or twice by acids. The addition of allyl chloride (3-chloropropene)

with elimination of one benzene ligand gives a chloro-bridged allyl dimer.

These and related reactions provide an entry into mono-arene molybdenum

chemistry (Fig. 10.3).

10.2 Arene(tricarbonyl)chromium complexes

The arene(tricarbonyl)chromium complexes exemplified by (C 6 H 6 )Cr(C0) 3 belong

to the series of compounds based on the M(C0) 3 group, (C 7 H 7 )V(C0) 3

through to (C 3 H 5 )Co(C0) 3 • They were first prepared in 1958 by Nicholls and

Whiting who heated Cr(C0) 6 with the arene under reflux, if necessary in a high

boiling solvent. One difficulty with the preparation is that the hexacarbonyl

sublimes out of the mixture and hence is removed from the reaction vessel into the

condenser. An ingenious apparatus was devised by Strohmeier to overcome this,

in which the sublimed carbonyl is washed back using condensed solvent.

Recently, however, it has been shown that simple heating ofCr(C0) 6 and arene in

a mixture of di-n-butyl ether and tetrahydrofuran gives excellent yields, the

volatile tetrahydrofuran serving to return any sublimed carbonyl.

Benzenetricarbonylchromium forms yellow crystals, m.p. 163°C which are

stable in air, although its solutions are slowly oxidized, especially in light. In fact a

good method of removing the Cr(C0) 3 group from the arene is to photolyse the

complex in air or oxygen. In the solid state the molecules adopt a staggered

conformation. On the basis ofX-ray and neutron diffraction it has been suggested

that the bond Iengths in the benzene ring alternate slightly. The ring is planar but

the hydrogen atoms are bent out of the plane towards the metal by 1. 6 o. In this

way the C(2p) orbitals point more towards the metal, giving better overlap.


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