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4.9.6 Pentaalkyl and pentaaryl derivatives

Organic derivatives of Group V

The search for pentaalkyl and -aryl derivatives of the elements of Group V

provides a fascinating story, especially because some rather important discoveries

have been made along the way. It began in 1862 when Cahours claimed to have

prepared pentamethylarsenic from tetramethylarsonium iodide and dimethylzinc.

In 1896 Lachman attempted to make pentamethylnitrogen by a similar

route; at that time chemists' imaginations were not restricted by such ideas as

thc octet rule. Schlenk and Holz did isolate a red compound from the reaction

Me 4 N+r- + Ph/~ Na ~ -+ Me 4 N+CPh; + Nal

which has since been shown to bc ionic. In general, however, only amines and

hydrocarbons were obtained.

Undaunted, G. Wittig tried again during the 19 30s and · 40s to make R 5 N,

taking the strongly nucleophilic reagent phenyllithium instead of the resonance

stabilized species Ph 3 C. An intermediate ylide Me,N-CH 2 was formed which

was trapped as a zwitterion with benzophenone.



+ -

Phl.i + - PhlCO

-----> Me ,N -CH 2 ---------->

- PhH. UCI

+ HX . -


Me,NCH 2 C(Cr)Ph 1 ____:_, [Me,N-CH 2 C(OH)PhJX


Even if nitrogen is unlikely to form pentacoordinate derivatives, phosphorus is

a much more promising candidate. 'Octet expansion' is common; PF 5 , for

example, has a covalent trigonal bipyramidal structure in both the gaseous and

condensed states. Me 4 P+r-, however. reacts with phenyllithium exactly analogously

to Me 4 N+r-. This is because the carbon--hydrogen bonds in the methyl

groups are too acidic to let the nucleophile attack phosphorus. By taking

Ph 4 P+r-, which has significantly less acidic C-H functions. pentaphenylphosphorus,

m.p. 124oC dec .. was isolated as a colourless crystalline solid, which

is stable in air at room temperature. Subsequently pentaphenyl derivatives of all

the heavier Group VB elements were prepared by similar routes. While Ph 5 Sb

(m.p. 170°C) is somewhat more stable thermally than the phosphorus compound,

possibly because the molecule is less congested sterically, Ph,Bi can be

kept for only a few days under nitrogen at room temperature. It forms a violet

crystalline powder. Some routes to the pentaphenyl compounds are

summarized in Fig. 4.11.

An X-ray diffraction study of pentaphenylphosphorus reveals a slightly

distorted trigonal bipyramidal structure; P-Caxiai' 1.987 A; P-Ceq' 1.850A,

cax -P-Cax• l 76.9 A. Pentaphenylarsenic is isomorphous, indicating a similar

structure. The antimony compound, however. is one ofthe very few Main Group

derivatives to have square pyramidal geometry, both in the solid state and in

solution in dichloromethane. The p-tolyl derivative, (4-MeC"H 4 ) 5 Sb. is trigonal


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