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Organoboron compounds

are white crystalline solids which are slowly attacked by oxygen; the aryl

analogues are essentially air-stableo Dehydrationo carried out by azeotropic

removal of water under reflux in benzene or toluene using a Dean-Stark

apparatus,leads to the cyclic trimeric anhydrides or boroxines, (RBO) 3 o The lower

alkylboron chlorides are not very convenient to handle; they are spontaneously

inflammable in air and very sensitive to moistureo Moreover their specific

preparation from BCl, or R 3 B is difficult; some R 2 BCl is usually formed as wello

Consequently other routes to boronic and borinic acids have been developedo

Trialkylborates (trialkoxyboranes) react with Grignard reagents to give, after

hydrolysis, alkylboronic acids, but yields often are rather low on account of the

formation of some R 2 BOH and R 3 B as wello

B(OMe), + RMgX

i)ether, -7R''C

--------> RB(OH) 2 ( + R 1 BOH + R,B)


Alkylboronic acids can be purified by conversion into diethanolamine chelates,

which are crystalline air stable materialso Note that intramolecular coordination

of nitrogen to boron gives the latter an octet configurationo Similarly dialkylborinic

acids may be converted into chelate derivatives with 2-aminoethanol.

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Monoalkylboron compounds may be obtained by hydroboration using

catechol borane or Me 2 SoBHCl 2 o






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2 CH 2 R ---+ RCH 2 CH 2 B(OH) 2 + catechol

The former is obtained from catechol (1. 2-dihydroxybenzene) and borane in


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