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Arene( tricarbonyl )chromium complexes

C 6 H 5 Cr(C0) 3 group is relatively small, but it is sufficient to produce noticeable

changes in reactivity. Benzyl chloride and its complex (PhCH 2 Cl)Cr(C0) 3 are both

solvolysed by an SNl mechanism in ethanol in which the carbonium ion is an

intermedia te. It has been found that the complex reacts about 10 5 faster than the

free halide. These effects have been exploited in organic synthesis. Complexed

benzyl alcohols can be converted into ethers or amines by reaction with

hexafluorophosphoric acid followed by an alcohol or an amine. The Ritter

reaction, which involves electrophilic addition to a nitrile, is also greatly

accelerated. While an uncomplexed benzyl alcohol requires over a day for

complete reaction, the complex reacts within a few minutes.

~CH 2 0H




-H 2 0 -H+

~CH 2 0R

Cr Cr Cr

(C0) 3 (C0) 3 (C0) 3





~CH 2 NH 2 R


(C0) 3

(i) R CN

(ii) H20

~ CH 2 NHC~R ~o



The Cr( CO) 3 group can finally be removed cleanly by photolysis of a solution of the

product in air.

10.2.4 Steric effects

The steric effect of the bulky Cr( CO) 3 group induces reagents such as nucleophiles

to attack from the side away from the metal centre (exo attack). The reactions are

very stereospecific. Thus reduction of the indanone complex occurs almost

exclusively from above the ring to give a racemic mixture of the indanol

complexes shown.


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