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Five electron ligands

Nucleophilic reagents include R 2 Cd, NaCH(C0 2 Me) 2 , Ro-. R 2 NH, activated

aromatics such as 1, 3-dimethoxybenzene, allylSiMe 3 , BH; and CN-. Lithium

alkyls in dichloromethane at low temperatures give good results, but not in

diethyl ether. Tertiary amines and phosphines form quaternary salts.

The 2-methoxycyclohexadienyl complexes are particularly useful in synthesis.

The methoxy substituent directs nucleophiles to the remote end of the dienyl

system. This directive effect is strong enough to overcome the steric hindrance of a

methyl substituent at the 5-position, although a mixture of products is obtained

with the 5-ethyl complex.



+ w' ~ Fe(CO)

...0 3


(only produci, R=H, Me)


Spirocyclic compounds have been prepared by making use ofthe regioselectivity

of these reactions. Dienyl complexes were constructed which contained latent

nucleophiles in the side chain which were released on treatment with a mild base.

Similar reactions have also been used to introduce angular substituents into

bicyclic systems.

Fe(C0) 3

~OM o



CH(C02 Me)2

Pearson and his coworkers have used 1] 5 -dienyliron salts in approaches to the

synthesis of many natural products, including steroids, alkaloids and


9.6 References

Caulton, K.G. (1981) Coordination chemistry ofthe Mn and Re fragments, (C,H,)M(C0) 2 •

Coord. Chem. Revs., 38, 1.

Ernst, R.D. (1985) Open-chain metallocenes. Ace. Chem. Res., 18, 56.

Palier, J.W. (1978) Fluxional organometallics. Adv. Organomet. Chem., 16, 211.

Haaland, A. (1979) 3d-Metallocenes. Ace. Chem. Res., 12, 415.

Hunt, C.B. ( 19 77) Metallocenes. Educ. Chem., 14, 11 O.

Jonas, K. (1985) Reactive organometallic compounds obtained from metallocenes. Angew.

Chem. (Int. Edn), 24, 295.


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