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The Writing section of the CBEST contains two essay questions — usually one

Descriptive/Narrative and one Analytical/Expository. You are asked to draw upon

your personal experience and observations for information, examples, and generalizations

to use in your writing.

Each essay is rated from 1 to 4 by two readers. These readers generate a raw score

for the Writing section that ranges from 4 to 16, which converts to a scaled score

of approximately 20 to 80.

Ability Tested

This section of CBEST tests your ability to read a topic carefully, to organize your

ideas before you write, and to write with clarity and precision.

Basic Skills Necessary

This section requires a basic college-level writing background. Papers are scored

on the writer’s ability to demonstrate the following:

Development and organization of ideas with supporting evidence or

specific details

Understanding of the essay’s intended audience (for example, a speech

urging members of the Board of Education to vote a certain way)

Comprehension of the assigned task

Skillful use of language; correctness of mechanics, usage, and paragraphing


In this section, you plan and write two essays, one for each topic given. Read each

topic carefully to make sure that you are properly addressing the issue or situation.

You must write on the specified topic. An essay on another topic will not

be acceptable.

Plan your time wisely. Each essay is equally weighted. Plan to spend the same

amount of time on each.


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