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Part V: Practice-Review-Analyze-Practice

9. C. In both the introductory and final paragraphs, the writer is concerned with attacks on

the First Amendment, and throughout the article emphasizes this with a detailed look at

what he or she thinks is an attack on a particular group, the press, that is guaranteed a certain

amount of freedom by that amendment. Because of this, choices A and B are much

too broad, and choices D and E are supporting ideas rather than principal ideas; “slander

and libel laws” and “Big Brother in government” are mentioned only briefly.

10. B. The second paragraph says a “6-3 ruling.” So if two justices change their minds, there

would be a 4-5 ruling for the other side.

11. C. The last sentence of the second paragraph says that reporters “now face a challenge to

the privacy of their minds,” and the last sentence in the passage is a statement against

“mind-control.” All other choices are not explicitly supported by material in the passage.

12. D. As is often the case, the first sentence states the main idea of the passage. Choice A is

incorrect, both because it is too narrow and because the passage tells the reader only that

kitty litter is made from clay and does not tell how it is produced. Choice B is also too

narrow. Choice C is incorrect because only one sentence mentions this fact. Choice E is

incorrect because the article does not describe a method for preventing fires.

13. B. The they in this sentence refers to cats in the first sentence of the paragraph. That first

sentence describes cats watching the “hustle and bustle” with a sense of “superiority.”

Given this information, you may infer that the grin described in the last sentence comes

from watching the “hustle and bustle” of human antics, in this case the antics of the U.S.

government making itself a nuisance. Notice that all choices except B may be eliminated,

if only because each describes cats “laughing” instead of grinning.

14. D. The best definition is “equipment.” The rest of the passage describes the two items that

are needed.

15. B. The passage recommends identification in the field “where additional specimens . . .

are available.”

16. E. The recommended carrier should be airtight.

17. D. The tone of the author concerning Vieira is certainly positive but not so much as to be

idolatrous or spiritual. Admiring is the best choice.

18. C. Since the fewer number of accidents has not resulted in lower premiums, one suggestion

of the passage is that the insurance companies are pocketing the savings rather than

passing them on to the consumer. Thus, the author implies that insurance companies are

taking advantage of drivers.

19. D. The statement initially assumes that “it is true there are two sides to every question,” or

every question may be interpreted in more than one way.

20. E. Both statements I and II are true. Using the example of flypaper is an analogy; that it

makes a big difference which side the fly chooses indicates the importance of choice. The

statement does not, however, point out the ways of getting stuck on a question.

21. B. According to the chart, the largest “bonus discount” for Extra Firm mattresses is



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