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Part V: Practice-Review-Analyze-Practice

Read the passage below and answer the

three questions that follow.

Despite his enormous ability, Jackie

Robinson did not begin to play major league

baseball until he was twenty-eight. In 1947,

he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first

black player. He promptly won the Rookie of

the Year award, and within three years became

the batting champion and the Most

Valuable Player in the National League. He

was, observers agree, the most versatile

player of his era.

When his baseball career was over, Robinson

entered the business world and rose to the

vice presidency of a large coffee company. In

addition, he wrote a sports column for a New

York newspaper, appeared on a weekly radio

program, and was active in the N.A.A.C.P.

________ He was, however, a leader of two

of the earliest civil rights marches and an

ally of Martin Luther King. Robinson’s baseball

achievements were never forgotten. In

1962, he was elected to the Baseball Hall of


3. Which of the following is the best

definition of the word versatile as it is

used in the first paragraph of this


A. famous

B. fiercely competitive

C. accomplished in many areas

D. opportunistic and insightful

E. victimized and courageous

4. Which sentence, if inserted into the

blank space in the second paragraph,

would be most consistent with the

writer’s purpose and intended audience?

A. When I was growing up, I was a

Dodger fan, but when Robinson

retired, I began to lose interest in


B. Many expected he would one day

enter politics, but he never really

became an important political


C. If you lived in New York at this

time, you probably read his column

in the newspaper, or heard his radio


D. This was in the days when the

N.A.A.C.P. was about to become a

big deal in the campaign for civil


E. Informed opinion hypothesized that

Robinson would become a political

potentate, but this sanguine

expectation proved to be erroneous.

5. Which of the following best describes

the principles of organization used in

this passage?

A. The first paragraph is contrasted

with the second, using the

opposition of youthful success

versus the decline of old age.

B. The passage is organized

chronologically, with the first

paragraph on his baseball career

and the second on Robinson’s years

after leaving baseball.

C. In the first paragraph, the passage

uses specific details of Robinson’s

baseball career, while the second

paragraph uses generalizations

derived from these details.


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