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Section 1 Reading

Practice Test 4

C. the writer writes both fiction and


D. the writer is weakest in scenes

requiring subtlety.

E. the writer’s works are too long.

Read the passage below and answer the

four questions that follow.

Ostrich eggshells are among the most commonly

found objects at archeological sites in

Africa. Primitive humans used the eggs as

food and the shells for water containers,

bowls, and beads. Now, archeologists may

find them even more valuable for understanding

the history of early humans. A team

of paleoanthropologists reported recently in

the journal Science that the slow decomposition

of proteins in the eggshells can be used

to date the archeological sites, particularly in

the range of 40,000 to 100,000 years ago —

a period for which there are few usable dating


One particular advantage of the new technique

is that it is inexpensive, so that a large

number of objects at a site can be dated to

determine if artifacts from different time periods

have been jumbled together by

weather, flooding, or excavations — a problem

that occurs frequently. In the tropics, the

technique can be used to date objects as old

as 200,000 years. In cooler climates, such as

China, it can be used on objects one million

years old.

Although ostriches are most common in

Africa, ostrich eggs have also been found in

China and Mongolia and would be useful for

dating there. Moreover, the research team

has found that every other type of bird egg

they have studied gives similar results, so

those types of shells can be used as well.

They are now beginning to study owl eggs,

which are found at many archeological sites

in northern Europe.

43. From the information in the passage it

can be inferred that ostrich eggshells

A. last longer in cold than in warm


B. are different in composition from

other birds’ eggshells.

C. are rarely found in areas that

contain human remains.

D. are unable to survive floods.

E. are no longer used as water

containers by humans.

44. An ostrich egg in which the protein has

decomposed almost completely is


A. recently discovered.

B. not useful in dating.

C. extremely old.

D. a costly means of dating.

E. Chinese in origin.

45. According to the passage, ostrich eggs

are useful in dating archeological sites

in all the following places except:

A. China

B. the tropics

C. Africa

D. northern Europe

E. Mongolia

46. The study of owl eggs referred to in the

final paragraph is probably intended to

A. throw light on the habits of the owl

in ancient times.

B. throw light on the habits of humans

in ancient times.


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