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Section I: Reading

1. B. Clarifying the confusing term angular displacement would help make the passage


2. B. The position of the pencil seemingly shifts according to which eye is seeing it — that

is, according to the point from which it is observed.

3. D. The sentence explains that the established military tradition supplied the South with

military leaders.

4. E. The Northern advantages are all long-term, especially food production. Each of the

other choices draws a conclusion beyond any implications in the passage.

5. C. By mentioning carrots in connection with improved eyesight and not explaining that

implied connection, the author is assuming that readers readily see the connection.

6. D. Choice C flatly contradicts the argument of the passage, and choices A and B present

information not touched on in the passage. Choice E is weak because associations are not

universal; they depend on each individual’s personal experience. This point — that associations

are personal rather than universal — is expressed by choice D.

7. C. Choice C directly contradicts the point of the passage, which is that associations are

determined by experience.

8. C. Choices D and E neither weaken nor strengthen the passage, simply suggesting other

examples of associations without explaining the stimulus which produced them; choices A

and B are irrelevant issues. Choice C strengthens the argument of the passage by citing

an example of experience reinforcing an association — or in other words, stimulating a


9. E. The passage implies that those who administer the tests are different from experts on

testing because the administrators do not see that the tests are limited measurements.

10. E. According to paragraph 3, taking candy away is the withdrawal of a positive reinforcer,

and spanking is the presentation of a negative reinforcer.

11. C. The mention of recess and field trips follows this sentence: “Sometimes we withdraw a

privilege from a child to control his behavior.” Therefore, we can conclude that the author

is using recess and field trips as examples of such privileges.


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