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Part V: Practice-Review-Analyze-Practice

Scoring Your CBEST Practice Test 4

To score your CBEST Practice Test 4, total the number of correct responses for each section of

the test separately. Do not subtract any points for questions attempted but missed because there

is no penalty for guessing. The score for each section is then scaled from 20 to 80. (About 70%

right is a passing score.)

Analyzing Your Test Results

Use the charts on the following page to carefully analyze your results and spot your strengths

and weaknesses. Complete the process of analyzing each subject area and each individual question

for this Practice Test. Reexamine these results for trends in types of error (repeated errors)

or poor results in specific subject areas. This reexamination and analysis is of tremendous

importance for effective test preparation.

Reading 50

Mathematics 50


Subject Area Analysis Sheet

Possible Completed Right Wrong

One of the most important parts of test preparation is analyzing why you missed a question so

that you can reduce your number of mistakes. Now that you have taken Practice Test 1 and corrected

your answers, carefully tally your mistakes by marking them in the proper column.




Tally Sheet for Questions Missed

Reason for Mistake

Total Simple Misread Lack of

Missed Mistake Problem Knowledge

Reviewing the above data can help you determine why you are missing certain questions. Now

that you have pinpointed the type of error you are most likely to make, focus on avoiding those



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