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Section I Reading

Practice Test 1

20. To agree with this author, you must

accept which of the following

implications of his or her argument?

A. It is only worthwhile to prepare for


B. School examinations do not require


C. Preparation is inappropriate only

toward the end of the semester.

D. The result of preparation for exams

is fatigue.

E. College students study too much.

21. According to this writer, the most

memorable characteristic of college life

should be

A. social interaction.

B. academic fastidiousness.

C. the value of sleep.

D. more efficient exam preparation.

E. a pleasant attitude.

22. The author might have strengthened the

argument without abandoning it by

A. changing all to some.

B. advancing arguments in favor of

studying all night.

C. acknowledging that grumpiness is

not necessarily related to fatigue.

D. choosing a different example to

illustrate the initial point.

E. focusing the argument more

explicitly on a particular audience.

Read the passage below and answer the

question that follows.

When asked by his students to comment on

the value of steroids for increasing muscle

size, the physical education teacher said,

“Steroids can be very dangerous. Many

bodybuilders use them for a short period before

a contest. However, the long-term use of

steroids might possibly cause severe damage

to the reproductive system while it helps to

build a beautiful body.”

23. In this statement, the teacher is

A. categorically against the use of


B. an advocate of steroids but not of


C. recommending the short-term use

of steroids.

D. trying not to condemn steroids.

E. preferring muscle definition to

muscle size.

Read the passage below and answer the

five questions that follow.

Creative writing may serve many purposes

for the writer. Above all, it is a means of

self-expression. It is the individual’s way of

saying, “These are my thoughts and they are

uniquely experienced by me.” But creative

writing can also serve as a safety valve for

dormant tensions. This implies that a period

of time has evolved in which the child gave

an idea some deep thought and that the message

on paper is revealing of this deep, inner

thought. Finally, a worthwhile by-product of

creative writing is the stimulus it gives students

to do further reading and experimentation

in their areas of interest. A child may be

an ardent reader of good literature in order to

satisfy an appetite whetted by a creative

writing endeavor.


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