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The Writing Section

A Well-Written Essay

Essay 2

Orienting the reader to

the writerÕs background

and experience.

Restricting the discussion


Balanced, contrasting sentence

addressing point (1) from first

paragraph. Able to control

syntax, reference to specific

details, orderly phrasing.

Thesis sentence, highlighting the

significance of this paragraph.

Summary sentence, reinforcing

the overall point of the paragraph.

Reference to point (3) of the

opening paragraph.

Specific supporting detail.

By the time I was a junior in college, I had

developed criteria for good teaching and bad

teaching, criteria based on my experiences during

those first two college years. The good teachers

were always (1) models of enthusiasm and

curiosity about their subject, (2) interested in

studentsÕ fulfilling their own potential and not

trying to please the instructor, and (3) friendly as

well as scholarly. Of the few good teachers I

enjoyed, Bob Lincoln (a professor of English) was

the best. Four times a week, sluggish and yawning

from listening to my classics professor drone

endlessly in a muffled monotone about Zeus and

the Olympians, I slumped into Dr. LincolnÕs class

on the Victorian novel. And always he would lift my

spirits with his own spirited approach; his was a

remarkable talent for making connections

between the experiences of Jane Eyre, Becky

Sharp, and Adam Bede, and very modern

problems of repression, alienation, and greed. He

showed that good teachers make their subjects

part of their own life and time and that literature

can help us understand ourselves.

But Dr. Lincoln never imposed his viewpoints on

us. The importance of the literature was ours to

decide. We kept journals in which we wrote about

how instances in the novels were like those in our

own experience, and by sharing those responses in

class we learned how many different viewpoints a

novel can provoke and learned to respect each

otherÕs differences. All this came about because

Dr. Lincoln was more interested in what the

subject meant to us than what it meant to him.

His attention to our learning didnÕt stop at the

end of a class meeting. Always willing to make

himself available for further discussion, Dr. Lincoln

even invited us to his home at times. These

uncommon occasions, sharing the professorÕs

"natural habitat," helped us to learn that teachers are

people, too, and that the best teachers are those who

transform their students into a community, not just a

bunch of anonymous paper pushers.

Designating the points to be

discussed; focusing the essay.

Vivid portrait of bad teacher and

the effects of bad teaching.

Effective transition (but),

reference to point (2).

Clear, brief sentence; interesting

contrast with longer ones.

Specific supporting details,

logical parallel structure.

Additional information, fluency,

and humor; clearly states the

significance of the experience

and its relationship to the

general topic.

Ties the past into the

present gracefully.

Each day of my own training in education and

practice in teaching, I try to remember what Dr.

Lincoln taught me. Good teaching takes energy,

commitment, and good humor; it is a product of

people, not merely of books and papers.

Summary conclusion that does

more than simply restate what

has already been said.


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