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Part V: Practice-Review-Analyze-Practice

C. Edited for TV: Removing


D. How Films Get Cut for Television

E. Directors Guild of America: A New


Read the passage below and answer the

two questions that follow.

California once prided itself on being the

state with the finest roads in the nation. That

is no longer true. Our gas taxes of 9 cents a

gallon took care of California’s highway

needs for years, but they are no longer adequate.

One reason the present tax no longer

covers the bill is that modern cars are using

less fuel. The main factor, though, is that the

cost of building and maintaining highways

has gone way up while the tax has remained

fixed since 1963.

Certainly, California streets, roads, and highways

need help. Two-thirds of city streets

and 77 percent of country roads are substandard.

Ruts and potholes can be found almost

everywhere, and the longer they go without

repair, the more they will cost.

41. Which of the following best

summarizes the passage?

A. Deterioration of California’s roads

has resulted from increased costs

and decreased funds.

B. The quality of California roads is

now second in the nation.

C. Fuel-efficient cars cause more wear

and tear on the roads than did cars

of the past.

D. Every road in the state is marred

with potholes.

E. Over three-quarters of California’s

roads are substandard.

42. Which of the following is not a problem

stated by the passage?

A. inadequate tax revenue

B. ruts and potholes

C. increased cost of building


D. a fixed gas-tax rate

E. demand for new highways

Read the passage below and answer the

question that follows.

Adam Smith, the founder of political economy,

treated economic existence as the true

human life, money-making as the meaning

of history, and was wont to describe statesmen

as dangerous animals; yet this very

England became what it became — the foremost

country, economically speaking, in the


43. The meaning of wont in this passage is

A. desired

B. did not

C. accustomed

D. unlikely

E. unable

Read the passage below and answer the

two questions that follow.

The $5 million in state funds earmarked for

advertising California’s attractiveness as a

tourist destination is an investment well

worth making. Perhaps because California

has long taken it for granted that everyone

wanted to come here, and maybe because for

many years Hollywood was California’s

most powerful publicist, the state has never

spent a dime promoting itself to potential


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