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Section III Writing

Practice Test 4

Section III: Writing

2 Essays

Directions: In this section you plan and write two essays, one for each topic given. Read each

topic carefully to make sure that you are properly addressing the issue or situation. You must

write on the specified topic. An essay on another topic will not be acceptable.

Plan your time wisely. Each essay is weighted equally. Plan to spend the same amount of time

on each.

The two essay questions included in this section are designed to give you an opportunity to

write clearly and effectively. Use specific examples whenever appropriate to aid in supporting

your ideas. Keep in mind that the quality of your writing is much more important than the


Your essays must be written on the special answer sheets provided. No other paper may be

used. Your writing should be neat and legible. Because you have only a limited amount of

space in which to write, please do not skip lines, do not write excessively large, and do not

leave wide margins.

You may use the bottom of the topic page in the test booklet to organize and plan your essay

before you begin writing.

Topic 1

Taking a trip to a special or distant place can create unforgettable memories. Some of these

memories may be enjoyable; others may not be. Choose one trip that you have taken which has

created memories for you.

Using specific examples, describe the trip and explain why it has created either enjoyable or

unenjoyable memories.


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