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Part V: Practice-Review-Analyze-Practice

C. enable anthropologists to date

northern European sites.

D. enable anthropologists to date sites

in Africa and Asia more accurately.

E. assist the study of the development

of modern birds from ancient


Read the passage below and answer the

question that follows.

According to a recent study, sixty percent of

the men and women called for jury duty in

Middlesex County believe that a person

should be presumed innocent until proven

guilty. Sixty-five percent of the same group

said that if a person has been indicted by a

grand jury, that person is likely to be guilty.

47. This information could be best used to

support an argument that

A. the jury system is the fairest way of

dealing with people accused of


B. either the grand jury system or the

jury system should be


C. accused persons can depend upon

the jury’s presuming them to be

innocent at the outset of their trials.

D. juries are prejudiced by a grand

jury’s indictments.

E. trial before a judge without a jury

is fairer to the accused than trial

before a jury.

Read the passage below and answer the

three questions that follow.

A unicorn is a mythical beast, you say. Oh,

no, it isn’t. There’s one on display right now

in New York, during the Madison Square

Garden appearance of the Ringling Brothers,

Barnum and Bailey Circus. This circus

unicorn is a billy goat with a black polished

horn growing straight from the center of his

forehead. It appears the goat’s horns were

fused together in infancy. The operation is

said to be painless. The unicorn is really getting

the goat of officials from the American

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Animals. They want to know where he came

from so they can stop any future “creations.”

Actually, the ASPCA arrives to the rescue

rather late. Unicorns have been in the news

for several years, appearing at carnivals and

festivals. One of the first modern-day unicorns

was created in 1933 by Dr. W. Franklin

Dove at the University of Maine. Dr. Dove

transplanted the horn buds of a day-old

Ayrshire bull calf from the side of its head to

the center. In later life, the horn proved to be

a great weapon, and the dairy bull became

the leader of the herd.

Powdered unicorn horns were valued in ancient

times as an antidote to poison. The

powder also was considered a cure for

epilepsy, plague, hydrophobia, drunkenness,

and worms. Julius Caesar believed in unicorns,

as did Pliny and Aristotle. In ancient

days, hunters were convinced that unicorns

were suckers for purity and beauty. They

would station a young virgin in the center of

a forest glen. Soon a unicorn would approach

and put his head meekly in her lap. That was

the way they captured unicorns in the old

days. It must have worked, because one

doesn’t see too many unicorns around.

48. Which of the following can be inferred

from the preceding passage?

A. Unicorns were proven to have

existed many years ago.

B. The ASPCA wants to protect



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