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The total testing time is 4 hours. You may work on any section of the exam during this time


Section I: Reading — 50 Questions

Section II: Mathematics — 50 Questions

Section III: Writing — 2 Essays

Section I: Reading

50 Questions

Directions: A question or number of questions follows each of the statements or passages in this

section. Using only the stated or implied information given in the statement or passage, answer

the question or questions by choosing the best answer from among the five choices given. Make

sure to mark your answers for this section on the Reading section of the answer sheet.

Read the passage below and answer the

two questions that follow.

Parallax is a range-finding technique used to

measure the distance to some nearby stars

from the annual, angular displacement of a

nearby star against the background of more

distant, relative, fixed stars. Behold parallax

by noting the apparent position of a vertical

pencil in front of your face with only your

right eye; the pencil shifts across the


1. In order to make this passage clear to a

general audience, the author can do

which of the following?

A. Concede that parallax is not the

only range-finding technique used

by astronomers.

B. Define angular displacement in

nontechnical terms.

C. Cite references in Scientific


D. Explain that stars are never even

“relatively” fixed.

E. Eliminate the demonstration using

a pencil.

2. In the second sentence, the author

suggests which of the following?

A. Most people have never really

considered the position of a pencil.

B. The perceived position of any

object varies according to the point

from which it is observed.

C. Parallax is also a technique used by


D. The right eye is a more reliable

observer than the left eye.

E. A pencil is very similar to a star.


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