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Part II: Analysis of Exam Areas

A Poorly Written Essay

Fragment sentence, which states

information irrelevant to the

topic and already known to

the audience.

Seemingly irrelevant point.

Paragraph as a whole lacks focus

and clarity.

Faulty logic.

Run-on sentences, full of vague

cliches, missing verb preceding

in, spelling error; in general a

crazy quilt of undeveloped ideas.

Restatement of part of the

question, disguised attempt to

focus the conclusion,

inappropriate verb (doing).

Vague pronoun reference.

Essay 3

As a person who would like to be a full-time teacher

and who is right now student teaching until I pass

my courses and this test, so that I can apply for

promising positions. I can say that my best teachers

throughout elementary, secondary school and higher

was always on my side and very much a sense of

humor. As long as we had the assignment read, he

would discuss it with us.

Good teaching makes you want to know more,

especially for tests since they are how we learn. I

remember one day I have studied extremely

complete, and then the test was not what I expected.

This is what I mean by good teaching.

And then another time I enjoyed the class so much

that when it came time to "show what you know" I

was ready, willing and able, with so many of the

lectures in an interesting fashion, to show me that if

the teacher likes his job, than there is nothing to

worry about.

How many times have you looked for the teacher

and he doesnÕt answer the phone or even make an

effort to be their. Giving of yourself is when you

take extra time to make sure that students know how

they got the answers.

The conditions or qualities that made the particular

experience special, in conclusion, were what I find

myself doing whenever I think about teaching and

try to do something out of the ordinary. And it


Faulty parallelism, subject-verb

disagreement, missing verb,

vague sentence structure

and diction.

Example of unclear relevance,

ungrammatical verb,

adjective-adverb confusion.

Vague pronoun reference, vague

sentence in general. Paragraph

lacks a clear thesis.

Faulty logic, missing question

mark, misspelling.

Vague sentence.

Analysis of Essay 3

In general, the response is disunified, lacks relevant and specific details, does not

address only one instructor or experience, lacks planning and organization, and

displays a number of mechanical errors.


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