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Part V: Practice-Review-Analyze-Practice

34. D. According to the graph, the tallest “B” (before) bar is county 4.

35. E. To determine a 25% increase, find the county in which the increase in number of sightings

equals 1 ⁄4 of the original number of sightings.

increase or change

percentage change =

original number

25 % (or 1 ⁄4) =




Note that merely approximating the size of the bars does not work because the bars do not

begin at 0 (they begin at 200).

36. A. Problems of distance, speed, and time can be solved using d= rt, where d is distance;

r is rate, or speed; and t is time. So



10 miles = 40 miles per hour (t)

t = 1 ⁄4 hour

37. B.The process of elimination will help you find the correct answer. Note that the bigger

fraction in choice A is only 2 ⁄5, or 40%. Thus, choice A is incorrect. In choice C, 1 ⁄2 is 50%

and 2 ⁄3 is 66 2 ⁄3%. Thus, choice C is incorrect. In choice D, 7 ⁄10 is 70% and 3 ⁄4 is 75%. Thus,

choice D is incorrect. And choice E is between 80% and 90%. Answer B is correct: 3 ⁄5 is

60%, and 5 ⁄6 is 83 1 ⁄3%. Thus, 68% lies between them.

38. B. Dividing the amount of commission by $6.80 will give the number of $50 sales:

$ 156.

40 = 23

$ 680 .

Thus, 23 # $ 50 = $ 1,

150 .

39. C. Since 2 ⁄3 of the students are boys, there are 2 ⁄3( 36)

= 24 boys in the class. Out of the 24

boys in the class, 3 ⁄4 are under six feet tall, or 3 ⁄4( 24)

= 18 boys under six feet tall.

40. E.

weight onVenus

weight onEarth




. 88%,

or approximately 90%

41. C. Dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal of the fraction (the

fraction inverted, or turned upside-down). This procedure is used in division of fraction

problems; the second fraction is inverted and then multiplied. For instance,


⁄4 # 2 ⁄1 = 6 ⁄4 = 3 ⁄2

Therefore, dividing by 2 ⁄4 is the same as multiplying by 4 ⁄2, or multiplying by 2.

42. A. Since 1 ⁄4 of the seniors take Physics, then 3 ⁄4 of the seniors do not take Physics.

Now multiply 3 ⁄4 times the total number of seniors (you may want to do some canceling):


3 1260


4 1

= 945



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