Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books

Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books

Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books


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Text 58] Talks Between the Lord and Ramananda Raya 113<br />


This is a quotation from the Vi$f)U Puraf)a (3.8.9). As stated by Srila Bhaktivinoda<br />

Thakura in his Amrta-pravaha-bha$ya: "The purport is that one can realize life's<br />

perfection sim p ly by satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is also<br />

confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.13): _<br />

atab pumbhir dvija-sre$tha<br />

varf)asrama-vibhagasab<br />

svanu?thitasya dharmasya<br />

samsiddhir hari-to?af)am<br />

"0 best among the twiceborn, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfec­<br />

tion one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties [dharma] according to<br />

caste divisions and order of life, is to please the Lord Hari."<br />

Every man should perform his occupational duty in the light of his particular<br />

tendency. According to his abilities, one should accept a position in the var­<br />

f)asrama institution. The divisions of brahmaQa, k$atriya, vaisya and sudra are<br />

natural divisions within society. Indeed, everyone has a prescribed duty according<br />

to the varf)asrama-dharma. Those who properly execute their prescribed duties<br />

live peacefully and are not disturbed by material conditions. The spiritual orders­<br />

brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa-are called asramas. If one exe­<br />

cutes his prescribed duty in both the social and spiritual order, the Supreme Per­<br />

sonality of Godhead is satisfied. If one neglects his duties, however. he becomes a<br />

transgressor and a candidate for a hellish condition. Actually we see that different<br />

people are engaged in different ways; therefore there must be divisions according<br />

to work. To attain perfection, one must make devotional service the center of life.<br />

In this way one can awaken his natural instincts by work, association and educa­<br />

tion. One should accept the varf)asrama divisions by qualification, not by birth.<br />

Unless this system is introduced, human activities cannot be systematically ex­<br />

ecuted.<br />

The brahmaf)as are the intellectuals who can understand the Supreme Per­<br />

sonality of Godhead. They are always engaged in the cultivation of knowledge. It<br />

does not matter whether one is born in India or outside India. Those who are<br />

naturally very heroic and who tend to rule over others are called k?atriyas. Those<br />

who tend to produce food by agricultural methods, protect cows and other<br />

animals and engage in trade are called vaisyas, or merchants. Those who are not<br />

sufficiently intelligent to be brahmaf)as, k?atriyas or vaisyas are required to serve a<br />

master and are called sudras. Thus everyone can engage in the service of the Lord<br />

and Kr�r:ta consciousness. If a society does not function according to such natural<br />

divisions, the social orders become degraded. The conclusion is that the scientific<br />

method of varf)asrama-dharma should be adopted by society.

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