Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books

Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books

Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books


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248 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 8<br />

"0 great sage, of the many millions of liberated persons and of the millions who<br />

have attained perfection, he who is a devotee of Lord Narayal)a is very, very rare.<br />

Indeed, he is the most perfect and peaceful person."<br />

TEXT 250<br />

''$fti{·��-u �ti{ �ti{ -�� r� 'fSi ?'<br />

'�'ft�1t (;��f"f'-� ;ft7;(!1t 11� ����oil<br />

'gana-madhye kana gana -jivera nija dharma?'<br />

'radha-km1era prema-ke/i'-yei gitera marma<br />


gana-madhye-among songs; kana gana-which song; jivera-of the living<br />

entity; nija-his own; dharma-religion; radha-k[$f)era prema-keli-the loving<br />

affairs of Radha and Kf�l)a; yei-which; gitera-of the song; marma-purport.<br />


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu next asked Ramananda Raya, "Among many<br />

songs, which song is to be considered the actual religion of the living entityl"<br />

Ramananda Raya replied, "That song describing the loving affairs of Sri Radha<br />

and Kr�r;�a is superior to all other songs!'<br />


As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1 0.33.37):<br />

anugrahaya bhutanarh<br />

manu$arh deham asthita/:1<br />

bhajate tadrsi/:1 kric;fa<br />

ya/:1 srutva tat-para bhavet<br />

"Lord Kr�t:�a descends apparently as a human being, and He exhibits His transcen­<br />

dental pastimes in Vrndavana so that the conditioned soul may be attracted to<br />

hearing His transcendental activities." Nondevotees are strictly prohibited from<br />

participating in songs celebrating the loving affairs of Radha and Kf�l)a. Unless one<br />

is a devotee, it is very dangerous to hear the songs about the pastimes of Radha<br />

and Kr�t:�a that were written by Jayadeva Gosvami, Cat:�c;lidasa and other exalted<br />

devotees. Lord Siva drank an ocean of poison, but one should not imitate this.<br />

One must first become a pure devotee of Lord Kf�l)a. Only then can one enjoy<br />

hearing the songs of jayadeva and relish transcendental bliss. If one simply imi­<br />

tates the activities of Lord Siva and drinks poison, one will certainly meet with<br />


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