Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books

Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books

Volume 3 - Prabhupada Books


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Text 91] Talks Between the Lord and Ramananda Raya 143<br />

worships the Lord as the creator cannot understand the relationship between a<br />

devotee and the Lord in the five types of transcendental mellows, nor can he<br />

understand the conception of Kr��a. One cannot understand the six transcenden­<br />

tal opulences of the Lord simply by understanding the Supreme Personality of<br />

Godhead as impersonal Brahman.<br />

Impersonal realization of the Absolute Truth is certainly transcendental, but this<br />

does not mean that one can understand the sac-cid-ananda form of the Lord.<br />

Similarly, Paramatma realization is also an incomplete understanding of the Ab­<br />

solute Truth. The plenary expansion of the Absolute Truth within everyone's<br />

heart is the Paramatma feature of the Lord. A devotee of the Personality of God­<br />

head Naraya�a cannot actually understand the transcendental attractive features<br />

of Kr��a. On the other hand, the devotee of Kr��a who is attached to the sublime<br />

attractive feature of the Lord does not consider Naraya�a very important. When<br />

the gopis sometimes saw Kr��a in the form of Naraya�a, they were not very at­<br />

tracted to Him. The gopis never addressed Kr��a as Rukmi�i-rama�a. Kr��a's<br />

devotees in Vrndavana address Him as Radharama�a, Nandanandana and Yasoda­<br />

nandana, but not as Vasudeva-nandana or Devaki-nandana. Although according<br />

to the material conception, Naraya�a, Rukmi�i-rama�a and Kr��a are one and the<br />

same, in the spiritual world one cannot use the name of Kr��a in the place of Ruk­<br />

mi�i-rama�a or Naraya�a. If one does so out of a poor fund of knowledge, his<br />

mellow with the Lord becomes spiritually faulty and is called rasabhasa, an over­<br />

lapping of transcendental mellows. The advanced devotee who has actually<br />

realized the transcendental features of the Lord will not commit the mistake of<br />

creating a rasabhasa situation by using one name for another. Because of the in­<br />

fluence of Kali-yuga, there is much rasabhasa in the name of extravagance and<br />

liberal-mindedness. Such fanaticism is not very much appreciated by pure devo­<br />

tees.<br />

TEXT 91<br />

C'l �� 1ft� ·�9f�n� �t����� �'Gftl!� 1<br />

1T1! ��(t��tc� ��t: "ft-4 11�-r: n :i.\ � n<br />

ye yatha maril prapadyante<br />

tams tathaiva bhajamy aham<br />

mama vartmanuvartante<br />

manu�yal; partha sarvasaf)<br />


ye-they; yatha-as; mam -unto Me; prapadyante-surrender; tan-unto<br />

them; tatha eva -in the same proportion; bhajami-bestow My favor; aham-1;<br />

mama-My; vartma-way; anuvartante-follow; manu�yaf) -men; partha -My<br />

dear Arjuna; sarvasaf:J-in all respects.

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