TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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102 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka<br />

Thus, it is clear that the reference to “the most recent results of research” does<br />

not refer to any discovery of previously unknown documents – such are in fact<br />

not mentioned – but rather exclusively to new arithmetical acrobatics with large<br />

unknown factors (number and capacity of trains, period of the deportations).<br />

In dealing with the number of victims, nothing better occurred to Stanis�aw<br />

Wojtczak, the author of the most substantially documented summary of the<br />

Treblinka literature (1975), than to accept Judge �ukaszkiewicz’s hypothesis.<br />

He divides the history of the camp into three periods: during the first (July 23<br />

to mid-December 1942), 640,000 people were murdered; during the second<br />

(January to mid-May 1943), 80,000; and during the third (August 2, 1943, to<br />

the closing of the camp), a further 30,000, therefore a total of 750,000. 252<br />

In 1982, Uwe Dietrich Adam divided the camp history into two periods,<br />

that from July 23, 1942, to August 28, 1942, with 215,000 victims, and that<br />

from September 1942 to October 1943 with 485,000 victims, so that the total<br />

number of victims amounts to 700,000. 253<br />

In his 1987 book, Yitzhak Arad provides a detailed list of the transports to<br />

Treblinka; he is the only one to have done so. 254 Since his list is very long, we<br />

restrict ourselves here to reproducing the districts of origin and the numbers:<br />

District� Number Deported�<br />

Warsaw� 365,720�<br />

Radom� 364,400�<br />

Lublin� 33,300�<br />

Bia�ystok� 117,970�<br />

Total � 881,390 �<br />

Divided according to year, Arad’s data give the following picture:<br />

1942: 824,170<br />

1943: 57,220<br />

An accurate classification of these numbers by month is not possible, since<br />

the waves of deportation often began during one month and ended during the<br />

next. But the following picture emerges as an approximation:<br />

1942 1943<br />

July and August: 314,000 January: 28,220<br />

September: 177,000 February: 14,400<br />

October: 203,000 April: 3,500<br />

November: 98,000 May: 3,500<br />

December: 32,170 August: 7,600<br />

252 S. Wojtczak, op. cit. (note 61), pp. 151f.<br />

253 Uwe Dietrich Adam, “Les chambres à gaz,” in: Colloque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en<br />

Sciences Sociales, Allemagne nazie et le génocide juif, Gallimard-Le Seuil, Paris 1985, pp.<br />

248f.<br />

254 Y. Arad, op. cit. (note 72), pp. 392-397.

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