TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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348<br />

Abbreviations<br />

AMS: Archiwum Muzeum Stutthof (Archive of the Stutthof Museum),<br />

Stutthof<br />

APL: Archiwum Pa�stwowe w �odzi (State Museum in Lodz), Lodz<br />

BAK: Bundesarchiv Koblenz (Federal Archive), Coblenz<br />

CDJC: Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (Contemporary Jewish<br />

Documentation Center), Paris<br />

DAL: Derzharchive L’vivs’koi Oblasti (State Archive of the Lemberg District),<br />

Lemberg<br />

GARF: Gosudarstvenni Archiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii (State Archive of the<br />

Russian Federation), Moscow<br />

HI: Hoover Institution Library and Archives, Stanford<br />

IMT/G: The Trial against the Main War Criminals before the International<br />

Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 1945-1946/Der Prozeß gegen die<br />

Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem Internationalen Militärgerichtshof,<br />

Nuremberg 1947<br />

NARB: Nattsionalnii Archiv Respubliki Belarus (National Archive of the<br />

Republic of White Russia), Minsk<br />

PA: Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes (Political Archive of the<br />

Foreign Office), Berlin<br />

RGVA: Rossiiskii Gosudarstvenni Vojennii Archiv (Russian State War Archive),<br />

formerly TCIDK: Tsentr Chranenia Istorikodokumental’nich<br />

Kollektsii (Center for the Preservation of Historical<br />

Document Collections), Moscow<br />

ROD: Rijksinstitut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (Reich Institute for War<br />

Documentation), Amsterdam<br />

VHA: Vojenský Historický Archiv (Military Historical Archiv), Prague<br />

WAPL: Wojewódzkie Archiwum Pa�stwowe w Lublinie (State Archive of<br />

the Lublin Dictrict), Lublin

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