TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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264 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka<br />

Today it supports general outpatient clinics for adults, 1 children’s outpatient<br />

clinic with an infant welfare and mothers’ consultation office, 1<br />

lung clinic, 1 first aid post, 1 general hospital with outpatient clinics and 1<br />

hospital for chronic diseases, both with 250 beds each. The department for<br />

hygiene control (Physikat), which has just established 8 sanitation posts in<br />

the Jewish quarter, has the mission of checking and examining the sanitary<br />

condition of the apartments, yards, public places, alleys in the Jewish residential<br />

quarter, to issue instructions and orders, and even to impose penalties<br />

in the case of non-compliance.<br />

Two hospitals for infectious diseases are being organized and will open<br />

shortly. Throughout the rayon [a Russian administrative district–ed.], 60<br />

Jewish physicians and Jewish sanitary personnel have been delegated for<br />

the fighting of epidemics, and further doctors will be following them successively.<br />

In Kleparow and Zniesienie, 2 outpatient clinics for adults and in<br />

addition further outpatient clinics for children and pulmonary cases are<br />

being established in the Jewish quarter.<br />

Finally, sanitation crews and ‘block doctors’ are being organized for<br />

the control and supervision of the hygienic situation for every 250 apartments.<br />

The General Jewish Hospital at Kuszewiczagasse 5, with its departments<br />

for internal, surgical, gynecological, and pediatric diseases, for<br />

urology, laryngology, dermatological diseases, neurology, and the outpatient<br />

clinics affiliated with them, receives patients throughout the entire<br />

day. […]<br />

The children’s outpatient clinic at Schleichergasse 5 and Bernsteingasse<br />

5, with its consultation and welfare services for mothers and health<br />

clinic, receives sick children up to 14 years of age all through the day. Distribution<br />

of milk supplies for infants is done only at Schleichergasse 5.”<br />

At the beginning of June 1942, a large delousing facility for 1,500 persons<br />

per day, in which there was a boiler room, a hot air chamber, and steam heating<br />

facilities, was put in operation in the Lemberg Jewish quarter. The facility<br />

was intended for the Jews. By means of it<br />

“[…] the Jews who are resettled within the city are processed through<br />

in the shortest time.” 789<br />

According to the Polish-Jewish author Aleksander Krug�ow, between<br />

March 19 and December 8, 1942, 251,000 Jews in 71 trains were brought to<br />

Be��ec, 790 a figure which corresponds to nearly half of the alleged total number<br />

of victims of that camp. As is well known, Be��ec is supposed to have<br />

789 “Fleckfiebergefahr in Lemberg gebannt. Neue Entwesungsanstalt – Täglich werden 1500<br />

Personen durchgeschleust”, in: Lemberger Zeitung, July 9, 1942, p. 5<br />

790 Aleksander Krug�ow, “Deportacja ludnosci �ydowskiej z dytryktu Galicja do obozu zag�ady<br />

w Be�zcu w 1943 r.,” in: Biuletyn �ydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Polsce, no. 3<br />

(151), 1989, p. 107.

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