TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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Chapter IV: The Alleged Extermination Facilities in Treblinka 153<br />

13. Witness Testimonies about Cremations<br />

That such a mass cremation of many hundreds of thousands of bodies was<br />

not a real event follows, finally, from the glaring contradictions between the<br />

different eyewitness narratives.<br />

As already mentioned, according to the official version of Treblinka ultimately<br />

agreed upon, there were supposedly two cremation grates of 30 m × 3<br />

m in size, which were located on the grounds of the camp and which could<br />

each incinerate up to 3,500 bodies. However, in the original version, the witnesses<br />

placed the grates in the trenches. According to Szyja Warszawski, the<br />

cremation facility, which was incorrectly termed by him a “furnace,” was 449<br />

“[…] a pit 25 m in length, 20 m wide, and 5-6 m deep, with a grate out<br />

of rails on the bottom of the pit, which constituted an air vent.”<br />

Abe Kon stated for the record: 450<br />

“[The bodies] were burned in a specially manufactured furnace, which<br />

could hold up to 6,000 bodies. The furnace was filled with bodies. These<br />

had gasoline and petroleum poured over them and were burned. The cremation<br />

lasted up to an hour.”<br />

Apart from Abe Kon himself, the witnesses Hejnoch Brenner and Samuel<br />

Rajzman agreed on the following version: 451<br />

“The furnace – that was a large trench 200-300 m long and 5-6 m deep,<br />

excavated with an excavator. Three rows of reinforced concrete poles oneand-a-half<br />

meters high each were driven into the bottom of the trench. The<br />

poles were connected with one another by crossbeams. On these crossbeams<br />

were laid rails at intervals of 5 to 7 cm. This was a giant furnace<br />

grate. Narrow-gauge tracks were brought up to the edges of the trench.”<br />

This variation was also adopted by Vassili Grossmann, who made his courtesy<br />

visit to Treblinka in September 1944 and was able to speak with the witnesses<br />

already questioned by the Soviets. 452<br />

But there would not have been room for such an enormous grate on the<br />

property of ‘Camp II’ of Treblinka II, whose longest side was only 188 m.<br />

Subsequently, in the Polish investigative protocols, the grates migrated in<br />

wondrous fashion from out of the pits to the surface of the ground, and their<br />

dimensions shrank severely.<br />

According to the witness Henryk Reichmann, five to six grates were installed,<br />

each of which was able to hold 2,500 bodies at a time. 453 Witness<br />

449<br />

GARF, 7021-115-11, p. 16.<br />

450<br />

Statement of August 1944, GARF, 7021-115-9, p. 33.<br />

451<br />

Report of August 24, 1944, GARF, 7021-115-9, p. 109.<br />

452<br />

W. Grossmann, Treblinski Ad, op. cit. (note 23), p. 191. Likewise the German version, Die<br />

Hölle von Treblinka, op. cit. (note 26), p. 33.<br />

453<br />

Statement of December 1945, in: Z. �ukaszkiewicz, Obóz strace� w Treblince, op. cit. (note<br />

38), pp. 31f.

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