TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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Chapter IX: Transit Camp Treblinka 293<br />

ports, a public health commission brought disinfection equipment and mobile<br />

ovens for heating water for the showers to Treblinka in November 1942. 911<br />

In January 1942, there was already great anxiety concerning sanitation and<br />

hygienic conditions in the district of Galicia. 912 Cases of typhus fever had appeared<br />

in the district of Kolomyya, 913 but other districts were probably also afflicted,<br />

so that the governor instructed all district physicians to answer a<br />

“questionnaire concerning bathing and delousing facilities.” 914 Among the<br />

various delousing facilities was even a “fumigation booth for scabrous<br />

horses.” 915 The situation was becoming critical to the point that placards in<br />

German, Ukrainian, and Polish were posted, warning about typhus fever.<br />

These had been designed by the “District Administrator in Tarnopol. Dept. of<br />

Health” and explained the type and danger of the epidemic and the necessity<br />

of combating its carriers: “Without lice there is no typhus fever. Fight lice infestation!”<br />

Then it warned:<br />

“A large part of the population, but most of all the Jews, is infested with<br />

lice!”<br />

The text of the placard closed with the admonition to see a physician at the<br />

first sign of symptoms of the disease. 916<br />

The resettlement to the east of the Jewish population of the General Gouvernement,<br />

which had been living in the ghettos under difficult hygienic circumstances,<br />

therefore required transit camps with bathing facilities, disinfection,<br />

and delousing.<br />

5. What Was the Fate of the Deportees?<br />

The fate of the Jews deported to the east is one of those questions for<br />

which there is no sure answer, due to the lack of documents. It is closely<br />

bound up with the even more complex problem of Jewish population losses<br />

during World War II, which is not the subject of the present study. 917<br />

911<br />

Wydawnictwo Centralnej �ydowskiej Komisji Historycznej (ed.), Dokumenty i Materia�y,<br />

op. cit. (note 40), p. 176.<br />

912<br />

Letter of January 19, 1942, of the Kreishauptmann of Horodenka on the subject of “Delousing<br />

Facilities”. DAL, R-35-9-313, p. 3.<br />

913<br />

Letter of 5 February 1942 of the District Physician in Kolomyya on the subject of “Typhus<br />

Fever in the District”. DAL, R-35-9-313, p. 1.<br />

914<br />

DAL, R-35-9-320, pp. 1, 5. R-35-9-313, p. 16.<br />

915<br />

DAL, R-35-10-452, page number illegible.<br />

916<br />

Poster “Fleckfieber!” (typhus) DAL, R-35-9-444, p. 2.<br />

917<br />

The most comprehensive studies on this question are: on the side of the orthodox historians,<br />

the anthology Dimension des Völkermords, edited by W. Benz, op. cit. (note 80), and, from<br />

the revisionist side, W. Sanning’s The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry, op. cit. (note<br />

79). A comparison of the two works has been understaken by Germar Rudolf: “<strong>Holocaust</strong>

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