TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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96 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka<br />

5. Number of Victims of Treblinka: Origin of the<br />

Official Figure<br />

In the preceding chapter we have seen that the report of November 15,<br />

1942, was already speaking of two million murdered in Treblinka to date. In<br />

his 1944 account, J. Wiernik gave no exact number, but spoke merely of “millions<br />

of people.” 239 On April 24, 1944, the Soviet investigative commission<br />

placed the number of victims at three million. 240 S. Rajzman, the chief witness,<br />

subdivided the number of victims by national origin. In his interview of<br />

September 26, 1944, he stated the following (the linguistic flaws here, as well,<br />

are the fault of the Soviet translator): 241<br />

“Daily, 3-4 transports arrived in the camp. There were, of course, days<br />

on which 1-2 transports arrived, but that was an exception, not the rule. In<br />

each transport 6,000-7,000 people of Jewish nationality arrived. Our illegal<br />

groups, as I have already said, kept careful record of all contingents<br />

that arrived in the camp. Jews from various countries of Europe were<br />

brought into the camp. 120,000 arrived from Germany itself, and among<br />

them:<br />

Austria 40,000<br />

[Additionally:]<br />

Poland 1,500,000<br />

Czechoslovakia 100,000<br />

Russia 1,000,000<br />

Bulgaria and Greece 15,000<br />

Thus, during the time the records were kept, and indeed from October<br />

1, 1940 to August 2, 1943 [sic!] – there was a total of 2,775,000 men,<br />

women, old people and children, of Jewish nationality brought into the<br />

camp.”<br />

Naturally Vassili Grossmann adopted the Soviets’ figure, three million figure.<br />

242 In December 1945, �ukaszkiewicz attempted the first detailed accounting<br />

of the claimed alleged Treblinka victims, and in so doing introduced<br />

methods, which were to become standard procedure for the official historiography:<br />

243<br />

“It is clear that as of now an exact statement of the number of victims is<br />

still not possible. One should take care to note that the camp in Treblinka<br />

was no longer active from the fall of 1943 and that the murderers had sufficient<br />

time to obliterate all traces. The best procedure, in my opinion,<br />

239 A. Donat, op. cit. (note 4), p. 185.<br />

240 See Section 1 of this chapter.<br />

241 USSR-337. GARF, 7445-2-126, p. 240.<br />

242 W. Grossmann, Die Hölle von Treblinka, op. cit. (note 26), p. 32.<br />

243 USSR-344. GARF, 7445-2-126, pp. 323-323a (p. 9f. of the report).

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