TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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156 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka<br />

could hold a maximum of 350 persons, and thus the total capacity of the three<br />

chambers amounted to 1,050 persons, that would have meant no less than<br />

seven gassing operations per day per chamber, each of which is supposed to<br />

have taken less than three-and-a-half hours. According to the witnesses, however,<br />

the chambers were never in operation 24 hours a day, not even when<br />

20,000 victims per day were coming in! In A. Donat’s anthology, we read: 465<br />

“On such days the gas chambers were in operation until 1 a.m. and finished<br />

off more than 20,000 corpses within 24 hours.”<br />

The number of persons assumed by the Düsseldorf Court of Assizes to<br />

have been gassed at one time (21 to 22 people per square meter) is of course<br />

unrealistic and was only adopted because otherwise the astronomical number<br />

of people gassed given by the witnesses would never have been reached. Even<br />

the Soviets, famed as masters of exaggeration, assumed a density of no more<br />

than 6 persons per square meter in their calculation of the capacity of the<br />

rooms alleged to have been ‘gas chambers’ in the Majdanek camp. 466 Even if<br />

one assumes the highest density theoretically possible – 10 people per square<br />

meter – the three ‘gas chambers’ of the first installation would have been able<br />

to hold a maximum of 480 persons per process, so that 15 gassings would<br />

have been necessary to kill 7,100 people or more. Under these conditions, one<br />

gassing procedure, including all the accompanying steps, such as filling and<br />

emptying the chambers, would have had to have been completed in something<br />

over an hour and a half, and this would have to be done day in and day out for<br />

a period of 70 days!<br />

This sort of thing should have been greeted with roars of contemptuous<br />

laughter, but Gerald Reitlinger and Jean-Claude Pressac are the only representatives<br />

of the official historiography who mustered the minimum of courage<br />

needed to reject this insult to ordinary common sense!<br />

15. Property of Deportees as Material Evidence for their<br />

Extermination<br />

J. Gumkowski and A. Rutkowski published two documents, which supposedly<br />

supply documentary evidence for the alleged mass extermination in Treblinka.<br />

These consist of a Wehrmacht bill of lading with the date “Treblinka,<br />

the 13th of September 1942,” which references the dispatch of 50 train cars to<br />

Lublin with “articles of clothing of the Waffen-SS,” and a Wehrmacht bill of<br />

lading with the date “Treblinka, the 10th of September 1943,” which relates to<br />

465 A. Donat, op. cit. (note 4), p. 52.<br />

466 J. Graf, C. Mattogno, op. cit. (note 271), p. 126.

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