TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks

TREBLINKA: - Holocaust Handbooks


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114 Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: Treblinka<br />

on this day the construction ended, according to the statement of the witness.”<br />

�ukaszkiewicz later completely transcribed the document involved. Its text<br />

reads as follows: 285<br />

“Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police, Warsaw.<br />

Warsaw, June 1, 1942, Koszykowa 8, Post Office Box 214<br />

Tel. 9-21-83<br />

Certificate no. 684<br />

The Pole Lucjan Pucha�a, born on …, is employed as technician at the<br />

local administrative office of Koszykowa. It is requested that the said person<br />

be allowed to pass unhindered and that he not be called in for other<br />

work. This certificate is valid until the 15th of June 1942 and can be extended<br />

only by the local administrative office. The card is to be voluntarily<br />

returned on its expiration day.<br />

Director of the Central Construction Office.<br />

(Signature illegible) SS-Scharführer.”<br />

This document proves that the Central Construction Office of the Waffen-<br />

SS and Police at Warsaw was responsible for the construction of the Treblinka<br />

camp and thus was following common practice. According to Arad, two German<br />

firms had contracts for the establishment of the camp: Schönbronn in<br />

Leipzig and Schmidt-Münstermann. 286 These firms – besides them, still others<br />

doubtlessly participated in the construction – received their commissions from<br />

the Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police at Warsaw, just<br />

as did Lucjan Pucha�a. Thus, this office functioned as principal, and all the<br />

norms, including financial, that applied in the intercourse between the Central<br />

Construction Office and the civilian firms acting on its commission, were in<br />

force here as well. Surely the accounting department of the construction inspection<br />

unit of the Waffen-SS and Police Reich General Gouvernement regulated<br />

the latter, just as the accounting office of the construction inspection unit<br />

of the Waffen-SS and Police of Reich-‘Ost’ (east) was responsible for Auschwitz.<br />

287 This means that Treblinka (and, logically, also Be��ec and Sobibór)<br />

must have been specifically budgeted for, and that the camp came into being<br />

on the basis of a precise plan.<br />

This applies also to the labor camp Treblinka I. Viewed politically and administratively,<br />

the labor camp Treblinka I was subordinate to the SS and Police<br />

Chief in the Warsaw district, Arpad Wiegand, who had been assigned to<br />

construct this camp. This is clear from three documents concerning the delivery<br />

of various materials – pipes, nails etc. – for the camp Treblinka I.<br />

285 Z. �ukaszkiewicz, Obóz strace� w Treblince, op. cit. (note 38), p. 51.<br />

286 Y. Arad, op. cit. (note 72), p. 37; Arad gives no sources for his information.<br />

287 For this, see Carlo Mattogno, op. cit. (note 278), pp. 43-45.

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